Catching UP

Goodmorning everyone,

It's been a while since I've written something to read for you guys, but I want to pick this up! Again.

So what have I been up to the last month or so?
I have been to Disney for my birthday! Just as Disney Paris is 25 years young, so am I.
It was a very busy day with beautiful weather, I might even have picked up some sunkissed cheeks along the way (of which you can't see anything anymore).

Next in line was (still is) school.
It have been some hectic days. Research, deadlines, studying and now the finals have arrived, and I SOOOOOOOOO don't feel confident going into everything!
But like I always like to say: "I will be okay and I can't do more than my best" (nice literal translation for my Dunglish loving friends).
Today is the first test out of four, and I know what you are thinking: "Well FOUR isn't that many, is it?" Well no four isn't that many for people who haven't lost their motivation or found it on their way to glory, but for someone like me, a bit of lacking motivation, tired 24/7 and just dragging yourself to your desk trying to study and to not get sucked into hours of useless (but quite satisfying) soap making YouTube videos, it can seem like quite the ride!

After reading back the latter, it all seems so negative. That is not how I want to think at all, but sometimes the darkness sneaks in again and I have to force myself into positive thinking, thinking happy thoughts make you fly right? So let's try this again!
Four tests aren't that many, especially because I have been to almost every class (flu hit me for a couple of weeks) and I somewhat know what I can expect! Those soap making videos are quite satisfying to watch and I actually enjoy them, gives me time to not think about anything except mindless watching for a minute! Hey, we did it, positive thinking, are you guys flying already?

Well, let's keep flying on the way to school and into the exam room! After all, I have something to look forward to! Can you guess what I am going to do the weekend after my last exam?

If you guessed DISNEY with my parent's and their friends, you guessed correctly!

On this note, I am going to leave you guys.
Whish me luck (going to need it), and have a magical day!

May you wish upon a star, let those dreams come true and always have a magical day!

Don’t forget!
Resteem, like, comment, subscribe and sprinkle some fairy dust!

"Why worry? If you've done the very best you can, worrying won't make it any better."
  • Walt Disney -

p.s. For you grammar-lovers out there. Sorry, not so sorry for my misrelated participles, dangling clauses, wrong ellipsis and wrong subjunctives out there. It is too early to pay attention to that stuff!

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