7 sayings that bring peace of mind

7 sayings that bring peace of mind

In the wise statements there is some comfort. Thanks to them, we understand that many people have had the same experience as us, they have managed to find a solution to problems that seem unsolvable.


My " feelings go away and come like clouds in the sky in windy weather. My anchor is mindfulness of breathing".
Thit Nhat Hanh, Vietnamese monk, author of books on Zen Buddhism

I'm a big fan of Thit NAT hanya. I like to quote his statements, both inspirational and poetic. The above quote reminds us that conscious breathing will help you to find your calm center and that all feelings and emotions are temporary.

Will it matter in 5 years?" If so, there is something to do with this situation. If not, just relax."
Katherine Pulsipher, canadian writer

How serious is what causes the stress? Is it worth spending time and effort on this situation? Were you cut on the road or scolded at the supermarket? Yes, it is unpleasant, but in 5 years you won't remember it. I tend to worry about things will be forgotten not even 5 years later, and after 5 minutes, so this phrase helps me a lot.

Yea"some lessons are better learned in quiet times, others — during the storm."
Will worn at such a rate, American writer

These words will help to realize that your suffering is not in vain. The difficulties experienced will lead to important lessons learned and to an increase, although the process may be very unpleasant. Having understood this, you will be able to take a different look at the "black stripes" in life.

🌿 "Nature does not hurry anywhere and all the time".
Lao Tzu, ancient Chinese philosopher, founder of Taoism

Many of us are preoccupied with daily activities and attempts to achieve our goals. Of course, purposeful action is very important, but this statement reminds us that much can be achieved without haste and concomitant stress.

Don't worry about nothing.
Richard Carlson, American psychotherapist, author of books

These words remind: it is time to focus on something really important. The problem is, many of us don't just distinguish small things from what's really valuable. But if you know what's important to you, this advice may come in handy.

🌿 "Real things better than a perfect project".
Sheryl Sandberg, chief operating officer, Facebook

The tendency to perfectionism can cause constant stress. By focusing on basically fulfilling the task, not making everything perfect, we save a lot of time. When the goal is achieved, we rejoice in success, not feel like losers.

Õ“ " no matter how terrible it seems today, life is still going on and tomorrow will be better."
Maya Angelou, American writer and poet

Sometimes it is worth remembering that tomorrow will be a new day and new opportunities will open. When we shouted at the children or made a serious mistake at work, these words will help to maintain a positive attitude.

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