
After a decade in the same apartment, we're finally moving to a newer, nicer place in a couple of weeks. Both the SO and I are very excited about the move. But before we move, we gotta declutter. We've been accumulating stuff. So much stuff. Most of all, books.

Some of these are already gone

Now, books are my life. As a translator, editor, publisher, books have been a central part of my existence forever. But for the past few years, I have not read a single print book. I read electronically, and I listen to audiobooks. That's it.

And the SO is not a re-reader. So, basically, we have hundreds of books we're never gonna read. So we've decided to clean the slate as much as we can. We're selling our books, for 10 ILS each. Had a sale day today, and another tomorrow. And when that's done, we're gonna donate a bunch of books. Sure, there are some I want to keep. But most of the books are not moving with us. This way, we're both raising money for the move AND making it cheaper, because the books were a HUGE part of our last move.

After we're done with the books, it'll be time for other stuff. We're determined to move with as little as possible. I haven't read Marie Kondo, but we've taken the core message to heart: If it neither sparks joy or serves a purpose, it's not moving with us.

It sparks joy AND makes coffee... which sparks joy

This is going to be a tough process. But I really think it's gonna be worth it at the end, with a cheaper move and a new home that only has the stuff we need and the stuff we love (and the stuff that's both, like the espresso machine.

This isn't going to be easy, but I believe in our ability to make as it palatable as we can.

How do you handle clutter?


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