
It is that time of the year again and nope I do not mean Christmas, it is time for the cold, dry, dusty wind to blow across the Sahara desert towards West Africa. It is the time of the year when u dread going close to a bucket of water and then u pray that u don't have to leave the house early in the morning because you are scared of cold breeze blowing around your body, yep it's HARMATTAN

I am really happy this year because I don't have to worry about that. I always dread going to school under this weather this is the time you hear me praying for a break from school or that the Government offend the civil servants so that they would embark on a strike action but sadly the politicians try at this time to be on the good graces of the civil servants so No, I always get unlucky.

Well you can say that I have always been impatient because it only remains a couple of weeks and I am done with school for the year.
Harmattan is good at least it gives you a break from wet ground and it also assures you that your outdoor events won't be interrupted by rain. But the down side is that you have to wash your parents car everyday of the week and boy that's a lot of work. I know I sound lazy but let me introduce you to my world; I wake up 6:30am still feeling sleepy 😴 I sleep-walk towards the car put my hands in the cold water and clean the car then 5:30pm they return home with dust all over the car and the following morning I am expected to clean the car again it always feels like I am put on repeat!!
But all in all harmattan is mostly during the Christmas break and come January you get used to it, because the joy of getting presents and seeing distant family relatives overshadows the cold,dry weather. So it is a win-win situation.

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