Monday Motivation - Use Monday as a planning day

Good morning all of you beautiful people out there!


So we have another Monday and most of you out there dread Mondays like the plague. Why is this? I believe it is because most of us have been raised to believe that Monday - Friday jobs 9-5 are the American dream. Are they really?!? So many of us think that going to school, graduating, and finding a job with these hours and good benefits are supposed to make us happy; but in all reality we are the most depressed that we have ever been. There is no joy or anything to look forward to except Friday when you have two days off to cram all of the stuff we need to do and then start our week all over again. I highly think that this is a dream. I think of it as a nightmare!

What if we instead used Monday to plan out the week? What small action are you going to take every day so you can say next Sunday that you created these wins? Rome wasn't built in a day and neither are your dreams. You see, small actions over time creates big wins. Most of us never achieve our dreams because they are way too big to even consider conquering them and they scare us. If there is something that you want to accomplish just start with small goals every day that will get you closer to what you want to achieve. Small wins create confidence, and confidence creates actions, and actions creates success!! Use today to WRITE out what your goal is for this week and then write one action step that you are committing to EVERY day to get closer to that goal. Wake up 30 minutes earlier every day and focus on the one thing that you wrote down for that day and see where you are at the end of the week. I promise, you will be amazed and be so proud at the end of the week on your wins. This my friends will get you closer to your dreams then just dreaming about them!

Happy Monday my friends!

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