Learning to gain self-confidence for success


Surely you are wondering what the reason for this title is. It's a way of saying that I'm learning to trust myself, to be confident in what I do and what I say, because sometimes it costs us a lot to be confident, because we feel fears and insecurities that don't allow us to grow as people.

I've been reading a lot about personal growth over the past few months and it has helped me reflect on myself, and at that point I realized that I didn't have enough confidence in myself, that I've always been afraid to talk to a group, that it's always hard for me to socialize, that I always doubted that I'm doing it right. Anyway, I realized that I had to change those things, which I had to increase my confidence in myself so that others could believe in me. And I said to myself, "If you want to be much more successful than you've been so far, find a way to trust yourself enough, because you're the only person who can make great things happen in your life."

For your part, with all the information I have read and am applying in my life I want to share with you some ways to gain self-confidence. Now, I'm going to ask you a few questions: how many of you have not had the confidence to make a decision, how many of you publish a post and do not have enough confidence in that writing you have published? Self-confidence is the engine to do great things, not having confidence among insecurities.

Self-confidence is feeling confident and believing in ourselves, having a high value for what concerns us and knowing that we possess great qualities that we can take advantage of in the difficulties that arise in our lives, knowing that we are capable of facing adversity.


Things you can do to improve your self-confidence:

1.-Transform your negative thoughts into positive ones: This is achieved by learning to believe in you, repeating every day that I can do it, regardless of whether I have to try as many times as I have to until I can do it. That being the case, you will be transforming everything negative into positive.

2.-Hold on to the positive thoughts and eliminate the bad ones: By doing this action your good thoughts will have more space in your life, allowing you to reach or reach your goals more easily.

_3.-Identify your strengths: Think about your strengths as a person and make the most of them. In short, make the most of it. If possible, make a list of your strengths so that when you forget them, you can read them and keep in mind that they are your pillars and will help you reach your goals.

_4.-Take good care of yourself: This is super easy, but at the same time it is sometimes difficult for us to accomplish it completely because we focus so much on other things that we forget that health is so important in our lives. So my loves; exercise, eat healthy, rest and take care of your appearance. These things help control stress, emotions and make you feel good about yourself because you release those negative energies.


5.-Take care of your social relationships: This is because with the environment around you it is very important, I'm sure you'll ask, but why? For the simple reason that the environment around us must be positive people who motivate you to be inspired, not to make you feel like a loser, that everything you do seems wrong to them. Also, because these things have a lot of influence on your confidence.

6.-Helping others: Helping someone who needs your help is rewarding, it makes you feel important in society. So, be kinder to others and you will see that the universe will repay you.

7.-Identify your insecurities: There is always a moment in our lives when we feel that we are missing something and that we need a change but sometimes because of our insecurities we do not dare to take that big step, when we identify what our insecurities are, that is to say that we are afraid of it we will be able to overcome the obstacles we put in our way.

8.-Find an occasion to be proud of yourself: Take a moment and think about all that you have achieved in what you have learned and this will create a feeling of satisfaction with yourself, and this action will help you to develop confidence in yourself, as doing something you are passionate about has a therapeutic effect.

9.-Accept your fears: Feeling fear is normal, it was hard for me to understand this, I said, but if I see these people so serene and confident, I tell them something, even the person with the highest level of confidence feels fear but the big difference is that these people are looking for ways to control their fears. When you are afraid accept it is to face it and find a way to control it and you will see that your confidence will improve.

10.-Be patient: Having patience is a virtue, I know that sometimes it is hard for us to have patience that makes us despair because things don't work out the way we want them to, but that's where they say things happen because they had to, so my dear friend when you get desperate take a deep breath and fill yourself with patience and be as positive as you can try to see things from another perspective. Self-confidence is achieved little by little, not overnight, so be patient.


11.-Be thankful: We always feel like we don't have much, but if you look sideways, you'll find that you have much more than other people, so thank life for all you have and you'll feel more confident too.

12.-Leave perfectionism: This is for people who want everything completely perfect nothing in this life is perfect, well yes, only God but that is an exception, when you want everything perfect you get is to put obstacles and you will always be unhappy with the results, so leave perfectionism and learn to enjoy and feel proud of what you do.

13.-Improve your communication skills: We have a lot of problems communicating correctly, for this reason we need to improve our communication with others and this is done by using the right posture, speaking firmly without hesitation and using a proper tone of voice so that you will convey confidence to your interlocutor, so that you will pay more attention.

14.-Look for more difficult objectives little by little: It's like a game you start from the most basic until you reach the super difficult level, with this it means that if you want to achieve the objectives you have set in your life you will have to start with the simplest ones in order to reach the biggest that you have.

15.-Don't be afraid of the new: This is achieved by having positive thinking and feeling that you have control over your insecurities.

16.-Believe in yourself: All the above are important but this is the basis of all of them because when you believe in yourself everything changes and you can achieve what you set out to do.

Be persevering and face your fears, because the one who perseveres reaches does not put limitations on your mind, have vision, always evaluate yourself, be your own executioner so that you can see what you are failing in and thus correct yourself. Learn from your mistakes because things will not always work out for you and you will have to see it as a life lesson, keep in mind that when you improve your self-confidence things start to change, you are the only responsible person who can make your life change for the better. I know it's not easy because it's a war with yourself but little by little one is changing, I'm learning to control my fears and insecurities.


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