Stop Sign Violation

This post is about CA vehicle code 22450(a) CVC.

22450(a) CVC. The driver of any vehicle approaching a stop sign at the entrance to, or within, an intersection shall stop at a limit line, if marked, otherwise before entering the crosswalk on the near side of the intersection.
If there is no limit line or crosswalk, the driver shall stop at the entrance to the intersecting roadway.

There are a few things I want to share and I hope to answers some basic questions.

First, you will never get a ticket for running a stop sign if you actually stop! When you stop there are several things I look for...

  1. The car actually stops moving.
  2. I look at the tires to confirm they stopped turning.
  3. If you stop, There will be a transfer of weight from front to back as your car stops moving.
  4. It is important where you stopped your car.

When I am monitoring a stop sign I am looking for the most egregious violators and often don't chase down the driver who rolls through a stop sign at slow speeds i.e. The "California Stop". However, the violation is the same regardless of whether you went through at 1 or 40 mph. It's always best and safest to follow the four points above.

Number 4 above (where you stop) means you stop behind the limit line or first line of a crosswalk. If you can't see oncoming traffic, stop at the appropriate place and then you can move further into the intersection to get a better view.

This car stopped after crossing over the white limit line. This is a violation of 22450(a) CVC.

Here the car stopped at the appropriate place for a stop sign & marked crosswalk.

I have watched many drivers stop only after seeing a patrol car. Often times they have already passed beyond the limit line and are clearly out into the intersection. Somehow they think that's ok. It is not! You may still be cited! You are required to stop your vehicle behind the limit line. This means the front bumper. There are other sections you can be cited for if you stop in the crosswalk.

What not to do or say when stopped for running a stop sign...

The primary statements or excuses I hear when I walked up to the driver after stopping him or her for failing to stop at a stop sign are...

  1. I stopped
  2. I have to pee
  3. I am late for ...
  4. I didn't see the sign.

First, if you tell me you stopped, My response is usually, "If you stopped I would not be standing here talking to you". In addition, I don't care if you are late, have to pee or did not see the sign.

I'm more forgiving for those who are guilty of the "California Stop" which means you slowed down (under 2mph) than those who slow to 5-10 mph. That's an intentional act! And for those who run a stop sign in access of 10 mph, don't bother asking for a break. If you ran a stop sign at full speed... Yeah, I may believe you did not see the sign but you are still getting a citation.

An important rule...
please do not argue with the officer. It's not helping your cause. It's actually sealing your fate as far as a ticket goes. It is similar to challenging the officer and we don't like to lose.

I find the best practice is to be honest and courteous. I have walked away from a driver on many occasions with only a warning given in lieu of a citation. A little humor never hurts either but you kinda need to see what kind of officer your dealing with. If the officer is on a motorcycle good luck. They are primarily enforcers of traffic laws.

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