Motivational Message 1 Steemit DenoxBlogger.png

Have you noticed in society today that many people are following other individuals that has already established themselves and are very popular. When they are at their best that they do not need any more help than what they are getting. The person probably worked very hard and smart to reach that point to get people admiring them. The person probably also helped solve a huge problem in the world or they had connections where they helped him get this famous and high status.

Well what about the person who is down in the dumps and struggling?


It's disgusting how most people in society these days don't even care to help the homeless out. Of course I can understand that sometimes the way a homeless person approaches you, makes you feel uncomfortable because perhaps you are helping him to get more drugs when you give them money or they will do something crazy to you if you refuse to help them.

Many people like that gives other good innocent homeless people a bad name. But I could understand why they beg for money, food and shelter. They feel they have no option, the society has rejected them and they feel hopeless. I still believe nonetheless that these are the people that needs the most help in this world.

Now let's put someone who is just starting off to build their passion online as an example. The people who are now successful in life and many follows them had to struggle a lot in the beginning, many had to fail a lot so they can learn from it and know exactly where they can find what works for them.

Around the time of you building up, people do not care for you because they do not know you. Many will not find you worth their time but they do not know your potential.


With the America's Dating Scenes, I notice a lot of women these days wants to look for a guy who is already successful in life having a car, house, stable job and filled with confidence. But I am sure that they would not want them when they were unstable, poor, homeless and no self esteem. A lot of these successful people like I said again had a pretty bad life before they got to this point.

Many women also tends to ditch the man and look for a better one the moment they see that their lifestyle is degrading at least... she cannot accept him during the bad times... only the best times... This can also apply to how men view women as well.

In order for someone to be successful, they mostly had to grind from the very bottom to get up there. Maybe some were lucky enough to inherit the success from their parents.

But many people out there just wants to find someone who is already is successful which is somewhat understandable but what if the successful guy starts playing with your emotions or a successful woman talking down to an average nice guy... rather than finding someone beneath you and you can help and guide the person out to get successful so that your success can follow.

Wouldn't it be nice for a guy who is depressed and sitting alone on the streets to be approached by a beautiful young woman that feels bad for you and is willing to help you improve in life? In America... that almost NEVER happens... not sure if this is the case for your country but this world is so cruel that in many first world countries, the moment you lose everything, no one gives a crap about you nor help you to get back up.

Believe it or not, there could be 3rd world countries out there where if you lose everything, some people around you will be willing to help you because of how the culture is. There are some culture that looks out for one another and there is another that unfortenately only looks out for themselves.

In the society that we know of at least, people only wants you if it benefits them as well... so people are out for themselves and only approaches them if they need someone.

But thankfully not everyone in the world are like that but I believe the majority sure are. You have to find the people in your life that will be there for you in the good times and bad times. If that's the case, then that person's a true friend. And if not, then the person does not deserve you.

Like the image in the beginning says, if a friend cannot handle you in the worse time nor wants to help you and only looks for you in the best times when you are doing well in life, then that friend does not deserve your best.


Sometimes its good to make friends that are a lot less fortunate with you so you can use your knowledge and success to pass it on to others that needs it. What do you guys think about this post? Please upvote if you find this of value.

Please pass this post along to people that you believe needs to have some motivation to improve their life situation. Resteem this to pass this message on and comment below your thoughts on this. Until next blog post, take care, God Bless and stay cool! Bai bai! :D

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