Stay away from negative people?

Albert E. Says.png

If we had to get away from all the negative people, we would probably have to leave planet earth!

We all have times when we feel more fragile and therefore negative. However there are people who exaggerate this negativity and seem to remain in it for most of their life. Unfortunately there are some who feel comfortable in this position and whatever you do for them will not work.

Others have learned to live like this until one day they wake up and totally change their attitude... There are still some who have been genetically programmed by the frustrations of their ancestors and as long as they do not become aware of it, frustration will always accompany their life.

On the other hand, there are those people, like you and me, who were born to be happy and do not let anything or anyone steal their happiness. For those who were born with this capacity, it is not easy to see who lives in the "victim" format of everything and everyone.

But understand them and support them is a "Gift"!

Negative people are usually people who have had parents and grandparents like that, they are still those people who lacked a lot of love from their mother ... But also those who, when they were little, had "EVERYTHING" less limits, they did not learn to deal with frustrations and as adults, suffer for realizing that after all the world is not perfect!

Each one has its life history, its traumas, fears, frustrations ... Unfortunately some can not escape this, and in consequence they turn their life into a "hell" and push the others to the same place.

Solution? Turn away? No!

It's one thing to be friends with this person and another very different is to be able to deal with it. We usually meet people like that in our work, in the family, in the neighborhood. It is not possible to escape from these people because they are part of our lives!

If tries to save a wounded animal, he will probably react badly and perhaps even attack, so it will not do any good, tell a person who is in a bad mood, that his attitude is wrong, or ask a person who comes home to screaming, speaking lower, it will only irritate you more... Do you know what happens if you stop putting firewood on the fire? In time it goes out, right? Well, that's the best way to deal with someone who behaves like a monster.

First, understand that in the mind of this person there are reasons to feel bad, but also understand that her problem is not against you, you simply need to dump the "junk" you carry on. It is at this moment that your opportunity to influence in a positive way ...

Let the person unburden, do not contradict, let him speak, just show that you understand that your bad mood is due to the unpleasant day you had. Then talk about something beautiful that happened to you, she will interrupt with more negativity, it will not hurt, let her continue... At the first opportunity you have tell you that the person is right to feel this way, that admires her for patience you need to have in your work.

Give him a smile...!


It's not about changing people, everyone is as is, and will change only when she thinks she should!

Envy, anger, sadness and other negative emotions only affect, who feels, so do not say that the attitudes of the other leave you bad, because being affected does not depend on others, it depends on you! Who is negative suffers for being so, so give him reasons to want to change, not through criticism, but through his good energy and good example!

Only we can control what we feel, whether good or bad. Do not stay away from the negatives but contribute your good energy so that this person can be less negative each day, remember, this is part of your "gift"!

Yes, being happy is a "gift"! Enjoy!


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André Defrémont

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