Nourish the child and flourish the nation

Child abuse, especially with the weaker segments, female girls, tribal girls etc. has been becoming victim in a large scale. They need economic upliftment, educational exposure, identity in society etc. Law alone cannot root out this abuse; we have to improve their social, economic and educational standard.

Children are flowers; they need proper nourishment, their wellbeing should be our top priority, their health should receive proper care and attentation. Nourish the child and flourish the nation.

Children are the buds; we have to nurture them; they too have equal rights to receive the benefits of a democratic society. Mere laws, awareness, will not eradicate this issue from the root. We have to put our sincere efforts; we should have strong and committed people to work round the clock to address the issues of the children. They toil from dawn to dusk. It is a curse and bane on our part to see our brothers and sisters working in that phase of life: where in fact they have to learn for their rest of life.

They do not comprehend the best virtues of life; they just fight for that day’s meal. Briefly, they have no ideas for their future; there is no one to guide them. They can not make out the significances of aims nor ambitions in life.

They have no destiny to go. It seems their existence is confined and governed by child abuse; their childhood is without child pranks and toys, a childhood without school days, a childhood exposed to hunger, rags, ill-treatments and what not?

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