Enthusiastic life

Life should be free from repents, past regrets, future remorse; should be away from worries, away from the state of anger. Life’s everyday should pass with smiling face, with cheer, with delightful temper, calm and quiet days should fulfill our days of hustle and bustle.
We should not drag this life without task, without a purpose in a day, we should pass a day enjoying the delight of sun rise and sun set, the bounties of nature, quiet breeze, and walk should become a daily chore, healthy breakfast should launch our day, the sun set of our day should be with light supper.

Not a single day should pass without reading and without articulating our feelings and impression of the day in black and white. So hugely, we should pass every day with enthusiasm and with new energy. We should kick our day with optimistic outlook, not as a burden.
We should be polite, soft, smooth through out day without feeling jealous, without hat redness, without UN healthy thoughts, without pessimism and without negative thoughts, a day should go with loaded with glad, with delight, with joy, with happy things.
We must give a message to our life from our every day. If a day is with activities, with a purpose, regular with routines of life-oriented, goal oriented, reform-oriented, development-oriented etc.

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