1000 Followers! | Monday up and out, and then out again and now IN... until we go back OUT!

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It’s Monday, do you have your cup of coffee?

Are you ready to take on the day??

Oh mystical Monday crystal ball - tell us our futures!

Will we have a barrage of work from clients? Or will we be working on our own creative endeavors?

Will we be laser-beam focused, or will winter cozy-seeking apathy take over?

(That instinct to hibernate is a real one folks let me tell you friends...)

Today I was up and out relatively early- I shuffled out the door stiff as a corpse and went down to the bathrooms on site to roll out my mat (It’s way too cold to practice outside at the moment).

I did a solid 40 minutes taking care of my back and hips and neck, all of which have been a source of pain and frustration lately. Today instead of giving into frustration I decided to do my best to take care of myself, and approach my pain with love and understanding. I’m impatient, I know- these things take time to heal themselves, but damn! I got stuff to do! It’s my 30th birthday month after all!

Trying to keep ahead of February like....

After yoga, I got back to change into warmer clothes, and headed out to walk to the shop. No milk, no eggs, this is a problem. While I was there I also picked up bits for lunch and a snack for later because I’m NOT playing around today.

(Until 5 pm in which a van-wide agreement drafted this morning over eggs CLEARLY states that we will be stopping work, walking back to the shop for drinks, and settling in to celebrate the return of @drdisrespect to Twitch- I’m pretty stoked)

Have you written out your to do list? No? Well here’s mine.

[✓] Spit out a Steemit post
[ ] Record “Muttlee The Best Dog In The World” for client
[ ] Work on a new Tee Design as per my Monthly Challenge
[ ] Celebrate the fact that overnight 1000 Steemians decided to follow this blog!
[ ] Check email (ick- when are we going to be done with email..) to make sure I haven’t missed anything urgent over the weekend
[ ] Walk back to the shop for aforementioned drinks to celebrate aforementioned return of drdisrespect

The countdown starts NOW! I best be off then huh? If you’re a follower of my little corner of the blockchain THANK YOU FOR BEING HERE! I’m so stoked and grateful to have over 1000 if you here with me! And nowww- I get to put a bouncy little green check next to that goal for the month...yesssssss.....

Have a great day everyone! <3 Dayle



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