Reflections Of My Day As I Stare At The Fire, February 10, 2018

Today I noticed that I can light a fire in my fireplace. I was wondering when I could do that again. That is always good, cause I could use a nice warm fire about now.

Maybe I will have a reflections of my day as I look at the fire.

Well, today mom wanted our plumber to come by her house, cause when the washing machine discharges it's water a mess is created.

Water starts to spring out of the place of the discharge pipe and also in the kitchen sink there is a bubbling.

I usually call as mom has a hard time explaining what needs to be done. So I called the plumber. Well, usually he is so busy, but most times he calls me back.

He didn't call me back. Sometimes if he is working on a big project he doesn't call me back. You see he is a very sought out plumber. His dad started the business long ago, but he is the one that works the most.

That is the way I see it as my plumber tells me. Anyway the dad always charges $80 an hour. So when I have to call other plumbers and they do the exact same thing they charge $125.

Well, since he charges a lot less than the norm he is very sought after and his son does really good work, well when you can get him that is. Also the son tells me that his dad doesn't have any plans to increase the price soon.

I really like him. He is just so hard to get. I told mom that it really is not an emergency situation for her and most of the water still goes down the pipe, but some does spring out.

So that tells me that the pipe is just partially clogged. We can wait a little more. Also mom is willing to wait a little more cause she would rather have the $80 an hour verses the $125 an hour from the competitor plumbers.

So we may try calling him again on Monday. Hopefully he will be free enough to answer the phone or call me back.

The fire feels good. On the website it says I can burn the next day also.

Another thing to talk about is my camera in my phone, my Moto G. I don't know what happened, but lately some of the pictures don't come out.

I keep on uninstalling the software and then installing it again. Well, sometimes it works, then it goes back to not working right again.

Well, guess what. I just carry around my trusty flip phone as I used to. It works out OK and I like it's calculator also. So when I do need to take a picture or video or need to calculate something I can just use my trusty flip phone.

Man, sometimes I have a hard time keying in this blog and my cat wants more and more attention. It is like I am finger wrestling with my cat just to key in the story.

Now she just calmed down a bit and is staring a me as I key this. Now I am struggling again with her. Sometimes she likes to sleep on my modem. I guess cause it is warm. It probably is not good for the modem , but what am I going to do?

I guess if it breaks, cause of her, I will just have to get another modem.

OK, while my cat is calming down again, I will end this blog.

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Thank you, David.
Video is my taken with my trusty flip phone.

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