A Spider Hanging By A Web In My Room


As I just released my blog about my cherry plum tree and I was thinking, What am I going to write about next?

Then I turn to my left and see this spider. I thought great I will write about this spider that is kind of next to me in the room where my computer is.

Will I kill it? No, I might take a stick and catch it by its web and put it outside. Why kill it when you can still get it out of the house and let it live.

I do the same with a fly in my bedroom. I just open the window and direct the fly out that window.

It is a better way and there no dead flies to deal with? Out side my house there are little things that like to eat flies like lizards and dragonflies.

One time I was standing next to my nectarine tree and see a dragonfly on one of its leaves. Then I seen it take off and fly around then came back to the same area with a fly in its clutches.

I seen that same dragonfly eat 3 or 4 flies, one after the other doing the same thing of flying off my nectarine tree then returning with a new fly. Those dragonflies are pretty cool.

Ok, back to the spider. I used to have a roommate that used to be really scared of spiders. I mean when ever there was a spider around he wanted me to handle whatever he was doing that had a spider.

Example, he would lift the garage door and see spiders and I was close by. So when it was time to close the garage door he wanted me to do it cause there were spiders on the door.

So I'm not worried about the spiders so much. Of course I try to make sure it is not a black widow. I just make sure I don't get too close to them.

At least we don't have any tarantulas. I seen a tarantula somewhere near the Grand Canyon when I was on a YMCA trip as a teenager many decades ago.

Before that I only seen tarantulas in the movies. Well on my YMCA trip I and some of the other teenagers were pointing out a tarantula on the ground. This was in the mid 70's.

I wouldn't pick it up and we all noticed how it was making these loud breathing sounds. To us we couldn't believe that this little thing can make such a loud sound like that.

It could have been its protection sound as we were all around it.

So some people find that they don't like spiders. I don't really find a spider very upsetting.

That reminds me when I pest control guy came to my house and he looked at the windows that had spiders.

He told me that he can kill all those spiders. I told him that I want the spiders there. I told him that the spiders take care of other insects. So I don't care about the spiders.

Now the poison that the pest control guy wanted to spray on them I am weary of. Why would I want to kill the spiders with poison that will not only harm the spiders, but also myself?

You mean he wants me to pay for not only poisoning the spiders and other pests, but myself also?

No, I don't like using poison anymore. Yes I use to use bug spray in my early life, but now days I won't use them. It is more healthier that way.

So how about you? Are you OK with spiders or are afraid of them?

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Thank you, David.
Image is mine taken with my Moto G.

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