Listen intently to the story of others. . . I'll tell you why:

. . .Sometimes in life its easy just to get stuck. . .
. . .Stuck in what’s comfortable. . .
. . .Stuck in what we know. . .
. . . What we think makes us happy. . .
Time starts speeding by and suddenly you wake up and realise being sorrounded by all things familiar. . .
These comfortable things might be what’s holding you back. . .

A wise man once said to me: when you’re about to make a decision, what would your elders think of the choice you’re about to make. . .
You start to think that life isn’t about being comfortable all the time. . .
But just the opposite. . .

So you get up and go. . .
Hoping wherever you go, you have the ability that makes you feel free. . .

. . .Really free. . .

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