a tasty fruit that will slow down your aging! Pomegranate!

Biologists from the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne published preliminary data on the benefits of pomegranate in the fight against aging. According to the study, published in the journal Nature Medicine, the molecules contained in the fruit, slowing age-related changes in muscle cells.

Yet, there was little scientific evidence of the rejuvenating effect of pomegranate juice, but for the first time, scientists have uncovered a mechanism that allows the use of pomegranate (Punica) to slow down aging. Special molecules contained in the fruit, are transformed under the influence of intestinal microflora in substance that protects cells from one of the major causes of age-related changes.

Over time, the mitochondria - organelles that supply the cell with energy - have become increasingly vulnerable to abuses. Damaged organelles gradually accumulate in the cell, resulting in weakening the latter function. It has been suggested that this process is the basis of, for example, Parkinson's disease. In their study, biologists have found that a substance known as urolitin A, can cause the cell to get rid of "garbage", activating the process autophagy, ie the destruction of the mitochondria.

In their experiments, the researchers used mice as well as free-living nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. The latter are among the most comfortable facilities for research in the field of aging, as the worms aged 8-10 days already considered "elderly". Lifespan of the worms which underwent urolitina effect increased by 45 percent compared to the control group. Experiments on laboratory mice showed that the substance reduced the number of defective mitochondria in muscle cells of rodents, as well as 42 percent of older animals increased endurance on a treadmill.

Preceded urolitina A is in the pomegranate fruit. Once in the intestine, this molecule is exposed to bacteria and converted into a substance having an anti-aging effect. However, not all people are able to produce urolitin A as in the gastrointestinal tract may not suitable microorganisms. The scientists plan to develop special products containing useful molecule, and has already carried out the first clinical trials on humans.

Thanks for reading my post, here is a quick guide how to open your life-extending-fruit :)

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Source: https://goo.gl/5jwSLl

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