Food for thought.......#get inspired#

Living has never been it has never. Everyone has worries, everyone is fighting some kind of battle, be it physical or otherwise. The only distinction there may be is that some have few fights while a lot others have many fierce battles.
Observing closely, I have understood that there are feats and measures from which living is made easier and less complicated.
Most people feel events just fall into existence on the paths of their lives and as such they accept whatever happens to them and term it FATE! Well, that may be right for you, I can't swear to that, but I believe we create the events that come our ways, we are responsible for anything that may ever happen to us and the earlier we know this, the earlier we begin to create the pictures of what we wish our lives to be and work towards it; for the power to establish all we ever pray for lies within us.
We have to expel the thoughts and beliefs that some are born fortunate and some others born unfortunate; for there is none unfortunate upon the face of the earth. It is only determination and awareness that makes the difference.
On our journey to success and through life, we may wish a lot of things to be on our paths and I tell you; all things good you ever wish are made ready for you, all you need to do is to take a step of determination and stretch your hands of labor and get hold of it.
Yet at times even in the midst of your strong determination, there may be a trace of doubt, a string of unbelief, something telling you it is impossible, it is called FEAR!
Fear is a demoralizing and depriving agent. Fear cripples you, fear kills dreams, fear kills hope, it can hold you back from doing something you know within yourself you are capable of doing, but it will paralyze you. Fear tells you; you won’t ever succeed even before you try.
It finally gets you down, yet in your down state, it abides with you and makes sure you do not get up by reminding you of your past failures and letting you see how you definitely will fail if you try again.
If you wanna reach the top, if you desire to succeed, then you must train your mind to overcome fear, you must let your zeal choke the voice of fear don't listen to what it says ‘cos it's all false, you must let your spirit kill fear “ Fear is not real. The only place that fear can exist is
in our thoughts of the future. It is a product of our
imagination, causing us to fear things that do not at
present and may not ever exist. That is near
insanity. Do not misunderstand me danger is very
real but fear is a choice”.
So if you have been brought down before, you just gotta get up, you ain't any failure until you accept it. Everybody has once failed and if you have not, wait for it, it will come and when it comes, don't give up.
For you gonna have some ups and you gonna have some downs, most people give up on themselves easily, you know the human spirit is powerful? There is nothing as powerful it's hard to kill the human spirit. Anybody can feel good when he's got a good job, anybody can be happy and have large visions when everything he needs is at his beck and call. But life can be very meaningless and frustrating when you lose sight of what you've always wanted to be, life could tend to worth nothing when you lose grip of what you desire most, when your dreams slips of your fingers and you watch it fade away like a this, living can be nothing.
When you are held in this valley of depression, don't give up. There is always this feeble voice like a flickering candle in a dark room, telling you to try again, listen to that voice! Aid that candle! It's your inner voice! Your intuitive perception! It is never wrong! It brings peace and its peace offers hope! Hope that will keep you through and through!
Get up today, go out and try again! Try again! Keep trying till you are at the level you wish to be. It is certain to reach your goal if you keep trying, because it's a principle to 'try' and I bet it pays off well.
Pick up your crumbles from where you have been broken and find reason to continue, disagree to settle for a short of the best
Let the light of your determination burn again. Never say never, walk right into your dreams, get hold of it and exploit it. Live that picture you have long created for it is yours and all yours!!!
Blessings, Light and Joy to you all and let your week be fruitful and fulfilled.FB_IMG_1505778694679.jpg

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