Do you Dare ?

Many times we are faced with a fork in the road. These moments are essential as we decide the next step of or journey.

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Some decisions are of such importance that in the end it might control what possible final destinations we can reach. Faced with these moments it is common that our fear grabs ahold of us and tries to direct us along the road which we are more familiar with as opposed to taking that other road of exploration. So when faced with a fork in the road do you dare to take the lesser known path?
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In 2007 I was faced with a fork in the road. I moved to China in 2002 because my father got a job in a Shanghai. After I graduated from High school in shanghai I decided I would study Chinese. 2 years later I was still not very good at Chinese and this was despite my goal to learn it in two years.
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The environment was not good for learning Chinese. I was not integrating in the Chinese society because after Chinese classes I would hang out with other foreigners in Shanghai. When I would have the opportunity to speak Chinese with the local people they would be more interested in practicing their English with me...
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Shanghai was eating me up. I was feeling like a tadpole in the Ocean and the feeling of alienation was getting stronger month by month. I had made a goal to learn Chinese, and I never want to give up before I reach my goal. Never would I know that learning Chinese was so hard and that integrating to Chinese society was so difficult.
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I was at a fork in the road. I could choose to go back to Sweden and try to get on with my life there. It would feel like a failure though because it would be like I gave up. I could continue learning Chinese, however, time was flying by and I couldn't study Chinese forever, I would need to start University at some time.
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After much contemplating and also many sleepless nights I decided I would take a step into the unknown. I would go big or go home. So I decided to kill 2 birds with one stone. I would study my bachelor in a Chinese University. I would be able to learn Industrial design like I always wanted and in the same time I would be forced to learn Chinese as my classmates would be Chinese and all the Classes would be completely in Chinese.
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Pretty crazy idea, but I decided that I would rather know if I could do it than tonnot try it at all. There was actually a quote which inspired me a lot in my decision.
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"To dare is to lose one's footing momentarily. Not to dare is to lose oneself."

  • Soren Kierkegaard
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    Staying in China and going to Chinese university was one of the best decisions of my life . They say that fortune favors the bold. I really think it did in my case. I had 4 of the best years in my life. I was the only foreigner in my class but I felt right at home. I now know Chinese fluently. But more importantly I know that I can do anything I set my mind to. So next time I face a difficult decision I will atleast give it a try, because in the end, if you ask me, the worst that can happen is never trying - don't you agree ?
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