On LOVE: What is worth LOVING for?

Aloha Steemers!

Today I have been struck by Love's arrow, and it beckons me to delve into the vast ocean of what it means to love.

What does LOVE mean to you?
How do you show your love?
What do you LOVE?
Who do you LOVE?
How do you LOVE?
Do you LOVE yourself?

These are all magnificent questions. Pay attention to how your body reacts to these revealing questions. You may feel slight sensations, you may hear swift thoughts of doubt or that little voice in your head swaying you with words that aren’t the most supportive. Or, you may be enlightened by the emotions that run up your spine when you think of love.

[A photo of me in Ubud, celebrating how much I love Bali]

The world today needs more people who are ignited by love. Love is a force of nature, the strongest force of nature at that - It is the stirring of inspiration in your excited mind; It concieves life and art; It is the capacity that drives you to create innovative solutions that can help your community; or may it be that love heals the wounds that have kept you in the closet, afraid of living as your greatest version of yourself.

For me, love is everything and it is also a deeply intimate experience. It is a limitless field, a force of energy that moves the whole Universe.

Personally, I dislike the phrase "Love makes you do stupid/crazy things", I don’t believe that love makes you do ‘crazy’ things, as casually regurgitated in movies - I believe that love will wipe the dust from our eyes, and helps us realize what truly matters. In that what we used to believe was important, really was not or is not right for us. And thus, this is where the ‘irrational’ behavior comes into play, because we are behaving against our normal fear-and-doubt masks in life. The more love you are willing to share and give, the more capacity you will have to receive and experience it wholesomely.

Can you remember a time where you chose Love over Fear? When you decided that you would choose happiness over being angry, or resentful, or angry? If you can remember that moment, how did it feel in your body?

There's a trick that I picked up from Dr. Dain Heer, he would say, "If it feels light then it's yours, if it feels heavy, then it's not." Meaning: if your body feels elated, joyful, relaxed and clear, this is your natural state of being. If you feel heavy, anxiety, fearful - this is NOT your natural state of being. Love is purely that. Love is your natural state of being.

When we are comfortable in our skin, we can allow love to move through us freely. When we are in a state of love, we are happier, healthier, and more successful.

How can you experience more love today?
How can you spread a little more love today?
The act need not be great in quantity, but powerful in quality.
A simple gesture could change your day or someone else's day.

Today I found myself working with five separate clients, but all suffering and experiencing pain in their own lives. I empathized with each of their woes and pains. As a massage therapist I understand the need to allow individuals move through their physical, emotional and mental processes at their own pace. But I also am responsible for facilitating such processes in a way where my clients feel safe, comfortable and find a silver lining with their healing. Massage therapy has taught me many things, but above all else my practice has taught me this:

Love is available to us at all times. It may not be the ray of sunshine we always imagine it to be, but it can be a harsh and transformative truth. Love is pure acceptance where you are in life, who you are in this moment, and that you have the freedom to choose. Period.

Having the opportunity to learn from other people in their healing cycles has taught me patience. To be patient and gentle with myself and others in a variety of circumstances. I also feel like when I help others, I am helping myself. There is nothing more gratifying than seeing that my client has accepted themselves completely wherever they are in life, and that in doing so they find peace. Ahhhhh, peace and love. Synonomous, possibly one of the same.

So what is worth loving for?

These are my answers:
-A healthy body, mind and spirit
-Beautiful relationships with my lover, family, friends and animals
-Creative and free lifestyle
-Peace, Joy and Freedom for all sentient beings on Earth

Whatever you believe is worth loving for,
I hope that you can see love as a powerful tool in your box for a better life.
As the buddhists believe:
For what you do for yourselves, you do for others.
Spread love, light and joy!

[Me, stumbling on a railroad track somewhere in PCH]

And with that, I'm out.
XO Dakini-Dion

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