365 Days That Count - Day 199 - Needles & physio! 😱 Oh & rushing to the vet after Kip ate a slab of dark chocolate! This is not my week! 😩

After a shitty night's sleep I gingerly climbed in mum's car to go to my physio.

It's always reassuring when she's so obviously shocked by the state that you're in she just says "wow" every time she sticks her thumb into yet another ball of knots along your spine. She very quickly stopped asking me if it hurt, yes was the answer, period.

After an hour of pain she decided the only way to get it to loosen up was with needles...


Yay, needles! Said no person ever!! 😱😱😱

By this stage my back was numb and I was so used to gritting my teeth I didn't even answer her I just lay there and waited, trying my best to relax. Dry needling does work wonders, it basically tricks your body into thinking there's a trauma so it sends fresh blood supply to the area speeding up the healing dramatically.

It wasn't pleasant but by the time I left I could move my arm without causing a spasm making it well worth the discomfort!

Wishing I could go back to bed and lick my wounds I instead went to site to meet my partner to finally decide on the layout of the kitchen. Thank the pope, we did and now we can move on!! 🙏 Poor mum was still playing chauffeur and called time out after a couple of hours when she could see my back was stiffening up and quite rightly told me not to be stupid and go home and keep it warm. She didn't have to tell me twice!! :)

Em came over for dinner and we had just opened a bottle of wine in the kitchen when we noticed that the big slab of Lindt she had brought was now just pieces of wrapping on the floor!

dogs sick in back.JPG

Dark chocolate is very toxic for dogs and so we wasted no time getting in the car and racing to the after hours animal hospital.

I have been there far too many times recently!!! I was pretty sure Kip was the culprit but as I couldn't be 100% sure both dogs had to be given medicine to make them vomit. Poor Khaya! It soon became clear that she had nothing to do with it and had just payed the price for her brother's bad manners! By the time we got them back in the car they were both feeling very sorry for themselves! I wish I could say hopefully he'll learn his lesson, but I know better!

Back home we finally enjoyed our wine which, by the way, is also a very good painkiller! 😁 Here's hoping the rest of the week is going to be easier than the last 2 days!


Daisy xx

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