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The Winds of Change are Upon Us: John Kale's Top 10 Predictions for 2017

We are entering a new year, and the buzz about 2017 is swirling about. 2016 was a hectic year in so many ways, but to me some things are clear as to what we might see over the next here.

I have some predictions. Maybe some of them will come true?

Here they are:

1. Steemit will become very popular

Steemit is still a baby when it comes to its full potential. As it continues to push beyond beta the platform will become the best social media blogging website in the world. I predict that swarms of people will leave Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, Youtube, Instagram, and others to come to Steemit as a new haven for social interactivity because those other platforms will continue to shoot themselves in the foot due to censorship. The other platforms will continue to push their failing "fake news" narratives and will push normies into looking for alternatives. That alternative is Steemit.

Thank you @dantheman and @ned.

2. The "fake news" narrative will fail

The mainstream media will be shamed and exposed more than ever before. Before there was "fake news" there was the "conspiracy theorist" derogatory term attempting to try and shut down discussion. Over time alternative media and the internet became the source for people's news and information since truth about mainstream media had emerged. Now that they are desperately trying to turn things around before the death of dinosaur media with "fake news" this will blow up in their faces and people will flock to alternative media more than ever. Truth media is like the asteroid that destroyed the dinosaurs.

Also read my blog: Fake News MTV Attempts Pro-Racist Propaganda But Fails

3. Crypto-Currencies will go mainstream

Governments around the world continue to act like parasites onto the people and the people are getting sick of it. People in the US, China, and India are already flocking to Bitcoin to escape the matrix of financial doom. This is already evident and the reason why the price of Bitcoin has shot up so quick.

Other Altcoins will become popular as well. Those who have been into Bitcoin since its inception has seen how much Bitcoin has changed leaving the principles of Satoshi Nakamoto in the dust. People will be looking for better working coins that move quicker, but also more importantly are private and black hat hacker resistant.

Also see my blog: The Forgotten Principles of Satoshi Nakamoto, and Why We Must Remember Why Bitcoin and Other Crypto Projects Are Here

4. The Left / Right paradigm will implode onto itself

2016 was the year we saw the faces of the alt-right and the alt-left. Both sides have delegitimized the establishment left/right, but the circus nature of both alt's will be the doom of both. I see them both fizzling away in 2017 and people will seek to simply be human again rather than puppets for politics. Either that or they'll destroy each other in the streets and what will be left will be those of the alt-up. :)

Also see my blog: Avoid Being Alt-Right/Alt-Left & Join The Alt-Up - We Are Pioneers of Peace & The Secret Space Program

5. Trump will do good and bad things

As we are already seeing, Trump will bring back jobs to the US. I think he'll be good as far as bringing money into the pockets of American citizens. I think world relations will also ease under Trump, such as with Russia.

Where Trump will fail will be in cyber security. The simple fact is he is instructing the Department of Justice to create joint task forces to battle the hacking. The problem with that is that the DOJ, FBI, and other atrocious alphabet soup agencies are the worst at getting hacked themselves. John McAfee recently spoke very well on these topics:

Also, see number 9.

No matter what, Statists will be disappointed in their new misleader. That's what presidents do and I've never seen a good president or politician. They always flip flop around and by the end disappoint those who think they've elected someone.

Hopefully, I'll be wrong.

6. Corporate oligarchs and their minions will be exposed by Anonymous is the website for the evil group of corporatists and government oligarchs called Bilderberg and it was recently hacked by Anonymous.

"Each one of you have 1 year (365 days) to truly work in favor of humans and not your private interests..."

Also read my recent blog:
BREAKING NEWS: Anonymous' Barrett Brown is Free - New Short Documentary From Alex Winter Shares Release From Prison

7. Soros is going down

Criminal elite, George Soros is openly making acts of desparation. After Trump won the election he tried to take his billions of dollars to have meetings with traitor Democrats and other Leftist extremist hate groups like Google and Fakebook. Even though he can throw around tons of money to try and stop Trump it's failed. Since then Soros has made a frantic rant showing he's going down.

If he doesn't have a stroke I think that more will become popular of the idea of him at least being arrested for treason. He has openly said he is determined to destroy the West (including Europe).

Also see my blog: The Suppressed 60 Minutes George Soros Video Lost Until Now - Watch Here Before It's Taken Down

8. ISIS is going to be destroyed

I have a feeling that once Trump is inaugurated and Communist Obama is kicked out of Washington - Russia and the US will make up and kiss over the alleged hacking of the US election. Then the combined forces will go out and destroy ISIS. My only problem with this is that ISIS is the CIA and Mossad... So, there might be some interesting things that we'll see from that as well.

In Europe, as more terrorist attacks come from the migrant flood into places like Germany, France, Sweden, and etc.. we will see a local up-rise to also stomp out ISIS and it's brainwashed followers. Things will be crazy in 2017 in this regard.

9. Space exploration will become popular to normies

The space exploration agenda lost it's fizzle after the 60's with the landing on the moon. Since then it's not been much of a focus in mainstream culture since then, unless you're watching Star Trek or Star Wars.

In 2016 we've been revealed by Elon Musk his plans for Mars. I see this as a kick start to the space travel industry which will also bring awesome jobs:

Read my blog: Elon Musk Has The Plan & Vision To Make Mankind A Multiplanetary Species

Trump has also made Elon Musk a part of his Advisory Committee.

Also read my blog: The First Bitcoin Ever to Reach Space Has Been Achieved

10. New technologies that help humanity will be the highlight of the year

New technologies are always coming into the fold, but I think 2017 is going to be the year that we're REALLY going to see things change fundementally on many levels. For one, we are going to begin see energy technologies free us from oil and the current electrical grid.

Read my blog: Tesla, Dr. Walter Russell, the Optic Dynamo-Generator and How it Could Revolutionize CryptoCurrency Mining Soon

We will also see more technology being studied and used to help with medicine. For instance recently it's been reported that VR tech could help people with depression.

Read my blog: Wearable Holographic Technology of the Near Future - Check Out What Your Computer May Look Like Soon


We are truly in the midst of the winds of change. I'm rather hopeful this year for some reason.

I think it will be a time when negative attributes in the world will flip on its head for the most part. It's about time.

Thanks for the reads and any upvotes/steem/reblogs/comments/follows!

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