Why Do Most People Quit Network Marketing?

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First off, lets give credit where it is due, this teaching is coming to you today from what I’ve learned through one of my coaches Ray Higdon this year…

BTW…If you don’t you know Ray…go ahead and go to the podcasts app and look up “home business profits by Ray Higdon”.

So lets do this…

What do you think is the very first skill Network Marketers should know?

I’ll tell ya..

That there’s going to be ups and downs…

This is a marathon not a Sprint…

and you can learn your way to the top.

When Ray shared this teaching it was super powerful… because when he was a brand new Network Marketer, he was a million dollars in the hole and in personal foreclosure… Want an example of learn your way to the top? Check out where and Ray is up to now.. Perception will leave people thinking you did it over night.

So it is your job to let them know the TRUTH.

I know that this has definitely happened to me…

What happens is this…when people don’t get the results that they imagined or you promised get rich quick..

They are going to leave dis empowered..and I’m going to tell you guys are secret..

People (especially your friends) don’t want to feel like they’re disappointing you..

People will do anything and everything they can to not disappoint you and sometimes that means they will disappear completely.

That means that you won’t hear from them for months or possibly ever and it’s not because you’re not great…

It’s because they don’t want to disappoint you or look bad.

They create that… “I failed story”

This entire situation can be prevented ENTIRELY by having one strong conversation out the gate.

When I got started and Network Marketing a few years ago..

I failed over and over and over again.. I cannot tell you how many rejections I got.

There were many times where I had to call my mentor and just say “hey man I have guests coming to a coffee shop at 12.. can you be there?”

I didn’t know what I was doing but again..learn learn your way to the top.

Again..the number one skill that every single new Network Marketer needs and deserves to know is…

That there’s going to be ups and downs…

This is a marathon not a Sprint…

and you can learn your way to the top.

Many people would think it’s closing…inviting…prospecting…

To be honest there’s so many different ways that you can start this process off..

Eric Worre calls it a “game plan interview” where you sit down with your new teammate and have them come up with exactly what it is that they want.

Your job is to help them and tell them what it is going to take to get that.

Let them know the struggles…

Let them know there are the times where you have ups and downs, there are days where you just don’t know what to do, there are days when you feel like curling up in a ball and not getting out of bed, there going to be days where you forget why you started and your vision…

So what do you need from me as your friend, as a leader, as a partner, as a family member, when you’re going through that Valley of Death?

Because it is inevitable.

Do you need me to leave you alone so you have time/space to think? Or do you need me to call you every single day and remind you why you got started?

This question is SO IMPORTANT ^^^^

If you’re a Network marketer, in direct sales, or MLM… realize that the number one skill you can give your new prospect to start off is eliminating all and every false expectation you can out the gate.

Teach this one skill and it’s going to do 1 of 2 things….

#1..That person’s going to be like well I’m not interested anymore… Which is cool! Now you know what you don’t want to do…

Do business with people who want to just be in real quick and make a easy buck… if someone asks you, “how many x do I need to sell before I quit”… ask yourself is this someone I really want to do business with?

Is this really someone that I want to represent me? Our company? Our profession?

Or…# 2

They will become one of your best customers/partners.

Which do you prefer?

If you’re not up front… if you’re not real… you are wrecking our industry.

From here on out I just ask of you all one thing… if you are a Network marketer.. live by my motto.

Just be f****** real.

The people you bring on are your partners… they’re your family.

Let them know that this is not a get-rich-quick scheme… this is a long-term strategy to get you out of the rat race the majority of humanity is in and I will promise you that you will have a much higher retention rate.
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