5 Ways To Raise Your Vibration

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Well what do I mean by “vibration”?

Let’s start there…

First and foremost one of the most important lesson’s I’ve compiled from mentors throughout the years is that EVERYTHING in this universe is composed of gazillion’s and bajillion’s of electrons or what I call “energy/frequency”

Frequency is another word for vibration.

So when I say raise your vibration…

I’m talking about changing your frequency (like tuning forks) to attract the vibrations of people you’d like to have in your life.

Just like finding your favorite station on the radio..You have to tune into the frequency of a certain station for sound to come in.

I could write 1000’s of blogs on this subject of energy/vibrations alone… but the basic’s to remember and although this may be brand new to you.. remember this..

EVERYTHING IN THIS UNIVERSE IS COMPOSED OF ENERGY and we as humans are the transmitters and receivers of that energy.

This computer I’m using, this bench I’m sitting on, this shirt I’m wearing and the walls surrounding me..

All of these things are composed of energy and vibrate at a certain frequency.

Some people call this phenomenon of receiving energy (good or bad) “the law of attraction”.

But most “gurus” do not share the law of attraction broken down into practical steps so you can start to work in alignment with that “law” to actually raise your vibration and attract more abundance to you.

The most important thing that most guru’s will not share is saying that states “LIKE ATTRACTS LIKE“.

A different way to put it.. Vibration matches Vibration/ Whatever Energy you are vibrating at attracts more of that energy to you.

So for example…

If you vibrate very low, it is almost impossible to find a leader who vibrates high for your business/relationships.

Remember like attracts like…

Another way to put it is if you are a 5… It is impossible to attract a 10.

It’s not because you aren’t cool enough as a 5 to attract a 10.. but it is likely that you two don’t even see each other.

It’s like being on two different planets until you align your vibration to that of a 10.

To attract a 10 into your life/business… YOU MUST YOURSELF BE A 10.

Like attracts Like.. It can be no other way.

So now that we have that “woo woo” knocked out and out of the way…

I can share with you 5 tips that completely changed my life and shifted my vibration to start attracting the leaders I wanted in my life.

I had to become a 10 myself.

Tip: 1


What are you putting into your body?

I learned along the way from a few mentors that even the food we eat has an effect at which vibration you are operating at.

I’m not going to sit here and try and convince all of you to become vegans… BUT I will at least make you think..

If you were about to be killed/ slaughtered/ your life was about to be taken from you…

How would you feel?

Would you be scared? Have anxiety?

If you were in a cage your whole life would you be depressed?

These emotions come into serious play when an animal is being killed.

Let’s be honest.. with as much supply and demand there is no way these animals are dying “natural” deaths.

These hormones and emotions are spread throughout the animals body and guess what..

Then you eat it.

For me.. I already had enough emotions/hormones going on in my body.

I decided I’d pass on another mammals/animals feelings ruling my body/health/vibration.

Tip #2


Sound’s crazy right?

We’ve been taught from the beginning of time that all water is the same.

If it is clear, if it is wet, if it is in a bottle.. we assume it is good for us.

Why is it though that we will test the water we put fish in to make sure they don’t die.. but yet we don’t test ANY of the water we drink?

Do you know how many contaminants are in city water? Look up a water quality report in your area..

Yet we cook our food and bathe in it everyday.

Have you ever heard of a chemical called fluoride? That is one of the chemicals they put in our water.

Guess what fluoride does? It calcifies your pineal gland.. (meaning it doesn’t work anymore)

Your pineal gland is your “tuning fork” I mentioned earlier. Google it.

I’m not going to pitch you here on our companies product but what we have is Real living water v.s. Dead/chemical filled water

Tip #3


If you still are not attracting leaders would you believe me if I told you that the radio and music you jam is programming your subconscious mind to keep you where you are right now as well?

I used to listen to ONLY Metal, Rock n Roll, and Hip Hop.

Which are all great to your ear.. but definitely take a toll on your vibration.

But when it comes to raising your vibration… what I’ve found is that listening to music originally recorded at 432Hz makes a significant difference. (Beethoven, Bach, Mozart, classical.. etc) They say 432 is the frequency of the universe.

I didn’t realize how angry and on edge I would get after listening to metal or hip hop until after I cut it out.

Not that I don’t occasionally jam some of my favorite songs but it does play a factor in being your most high self.

If you don’t believe me..Check out what music does to water.

We are 75% water.


Tip #4


You are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with.

So if you are hanging out with 4 broke friends.. chances are you are the 5th.

If you really take the time to learn and master this particular law of the universe..(there is tons of teaching on it out there)

It is inevitable that your vibration will sky rocket because you will be around people who have the vibration you seek. This is probably the fastest way to grow from level 1 to level 10.. Hang around and spend more time with 10’s.

Tip #5


Meditating puts you in a physical/spiritual state to actually listen to the instructions that are being given to you by your intuition to take next.

So many times we pray, beg, look for answers from our favorite mentors/gurus…

Just to find that all answers we seek already lie within.

In the video below I shared my 2 favorite meditation techniques and a bonus tip to raise your vibration exponentially.

So how do I know all this works and isn’t a bunch of jibberish?

Once I finally implemented these teachings I had been taught… Just a few days later I attracted my first “10” or “super star” into our business that I had been searching to find for years.

Why though? It was my first time vibrating and had become a 10 myself.

It has been a complete life changer since…I knew I had to share these tips with you today.

Remember…everyone is different so be sure to find out what works best for you and take what you like out of this teaching.

I have been studying these principles for years now so don’t think you will “understand” overnight. I’m still just scratching the surface myself.

If you have any questions feel free to reach out to me here.

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