5 Hacks To Create More Time

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I’ve met quite a few people who always seem to seek more time..

More time to have fun, spend with family, and to do what they love.

Entrepreneurs frequently ask me..

“Curran how is it that you get so much done in just 24 hours?”

“How did you accomplish that much this month?”

Today I wanted to share with you a few hacks to get your time back and be more efficient with your business..

Let’s dive right in.

Hack #1

Hack 1 is quite obvious but yet so few understand how crucial this truly is…


I did some number crunching in the video below…

I realized that by waking up at 6am instead of 11am/12pm you could accomplish as much as you would in a full 90 day all out massive action blitz in just 1 year of waking up earlier.

Let me explain…

90 day blitz x 16hrs a day = 1440 hours

12pm to 6 am is 6 extra hours a day…

6 extra hours x 5 days a week is 30 extra hours a week.

That is 120 extra hours a month..

120 hrs x 12 months = 1440 hours…

It blew my mind when I saw both were the exact same number of hours.

I’ll take an extra 90 day blitz’s worth of work on the side if it means waking up just a few hours earlier.

Hack #2

Create a plan

At the beginning of each morning or at the end of every night (for the next day) list out the tasks you need to accomplish and make sure to highlight the 2 most important tasks.

FYI: The 2 most important tasks you accomplish are usually the highest paying ones as well.

The majority of people will focus on low priority tasks and wonder why it doesn’t seem like anything is really growing in their business.

Hack #3

Focus or Batch tasks together?

A lot of people believe that if they try to be superman and do a lot of tasks at once (batch) they will accomplish more…

For ex. “From 11-12 i’m going to Post on Social Media, respond to emails, call people, play with your kids, and write my blog”…

When in reality it is the exact opposite which will truly give you your time back and bring you success.

I know this may be tough for a lot of you but you must focus on one task at a time.

Focus is absolutely key when it comes to smashing obstacles and goals.

Imagine if on one side of the room there were chocolate chip cookies and on the other there were raisin cookies…

If you were in the middle of that room and you wanted both cookies at the same time but you kept going for the chocolate and then you get distracted and go for the raisin..

Then you get distracted again and go for the chocolate and it is an ongoing cycle where you never actually get EITHER of the cookies because you are stuck going back and forth in the middle…never having had focus

Focus is key.

Once you get one of the cookies, the same principles apply for getting the other flavor but the secret is you must get to one first.

Hack #4

Block out your time

Every single Sunday night I spend about 15-20 minutes creating what I call my “weekly marketing plan”.

When I write out my WMP I will list out all of the tasks I would like to accomplish with my marketing throughout the week.

Once that list is written out I then take a look at the the week ahead and map out what I will be doing every single hour of the week by writing in my list of “to do tasks” in the available time slots.

This one hack completely changed my life and allowed me to accomplish what I was doing in 16 hours in about 4-5 hours.

Again, I know exactly what I’m doing hour by hour every single week..

You will be so surprised at how much more time you have when you see every hour written out in front of you.

If you follow hack 1 and apply this 4th hack you will start knocking your tasks/goals out of the park.

Hack #5


When you joined Network Marketing the presenter may have told you about how different being an entrepreneur was than being an employee for someone else?

They weren’t kidding…

When you start to build you business it starts with just your own two hands..

But in this industry you can create/have 1000’s of hands working with you instead of just your own two.

For ex.

1 set of hands who works 8 hours a day for 30 days out of the month works a total of 240 hrs that month.

With the leverage possibilities that network marketing offers… that 1 employee can turn into like I said.. 1000’s.

Let me show you what just 100 would do.

100 hands x 8 hrs x 30 day = 24,000hrs that the entrepreneur is getting paid on..

Who do you think has more time?

Network Marketing is a way to “leverage” your time

The term leverage though is always something i’m looking to do in different area’s of my business because that is also crucial for getting your time back.

I love to leverage the internet…

I keep track of frequently asked questions in one group

I have ad’s/ funnels running on auto pilot

I use Facebook Live to reach more people

I use app’s to leverage my posting on social media for me…

Leveraging in my opinion is finding ways to create the freedom you desire without you necessarily having to always be there.

Hope you got some value from this today!
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