10 amazing things you did not know about Programming!

Welcome! To the another article of Culturious,today we are going to inform you about 10 Amazing things you didn’t know about Programming!


1. The first computer programmer was a woman.

Despite currently being a male-dominated field, many people don’t know that history remembers the first computer programmer to be a woman. Ada Lovelace, a gifted mathematician and computer programmer from London, is credited with being the first person to develop what we now know as computer concepts. She is credited with numerous forward-thinking contributions to computer science.

2. A real live “computer bug” sparked popularity for the phrase.

Ever wonder where the term “computer bug” came from? Well actually, we can thank a moth for popularizing the phrase. The use of the word “bug” to refer to a problem, fault, or dysfunction has been around for a long time, but in 1943, programmer Grace Hopper was working on the Mark I Electromechanical Computing Machine when she discovered that a moth was stuck in a relay, hindering the performance of the machine.

The first “Computer Bug” was a moth.

Once the computing machine was debugged, operation returned to normal, as you can imagine. The literal appearance of a “bug” or fault was humorous to Hopper, and became the famous phrase we use today.

3. You don’t need programming experience to learn how to code.

Despite what some people may have told you, learning the trade doesn’t mean you need previous experience. There are plenty of coders that have excelled in the field, not because of their vast prior knowledge, but their willingness and passion to learn the material.
The only things you really need in order to learn how to code are a computer, a positive attitude, and the will to work hard. Though coding might not be for everyone, don’t let your lack of experience steer you away from trying to learn.

4. There are 698 different coding languages.

Behind Papua New Guinea, and Indonesia, coding languages would come in third place in regards to a number of languages if it were a country. While this means there is a huge diversity of computer programming languages, we don’t suggest you try to learn them all. Each coding language has its different place and purpose, similar to that of spoken languages.

5. There are more than 20 Asian programming languages

Of the estimated 8,500 programming languages recorded, about a third use English for their keywords and code libraries, while plenty more are based on non-English languages, with some consisting entirely of symbols. This includes more than 20 Asian programming languages, eg. BAIK (Indonesian), Changjo (Korean), Dolittle (Japanese), PerlYuYan (Chinese) and the Hindi Programming Language.

6. Computer codes played a pivotal role in ending WWII

Thanks to Alan Turing, an English computer scientist, the end of WWII was expedited by using his mathematical and cryptologic skills to decipher ENIGMA, the Nazis’ code machine. Intel from Bletchley Park, where Turing and his team were based, helped to save countless lives. For his contribution to modern computing, the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) named its Turing Award after him.

7.Most web pages are built using more than one programming language.

An email website, for example, is made with three programming languages, CSS, HTML, and JavaScript.

8.Coders that study and write malware are known as hackers.

Those who write malware to commit crimes are known as “black-hat” hackers, and those who write programs to protect against malware are called “white-hat hackers”.

9.Spacecraft often run using old-fashioned computer systems

because engineers are confident their programs do the job well and making a new one is risky and expensive. NASA’s reusable spacecraft, the Space Shuttle, went into space using a computer designed in the 1970s. It had less code than most of today’s mobile phones!

10.Computer games are so popular that the games industry is now worth more than the movie industry.

That’s it for today! I sure did not know all these great facts before! What about you? Which fact surprised you the most? Let me know down in the comments. And remember stay CULTURIOUSE!

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–Thomas Wolfe

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