Artists for Life: An artist-driven cause based on Choon

I’m proud to say we have kicked off the first ever charity on Choon. A world’s first! This is history in the making right here folks, so make sure you read on! 

"Art direction and design by SOTA"

What it is

"Artists for Life" is a charity/cause based off the Choon music platform, where royalties are handled by “Smart Music Contracts”. This means that royalty distribution is automatically handled and enforced by a smart contract on the blockchain, that pays out music streaming royalties on a daily basis. This is what will allow our cause to flourish in the long run. 

How it works

Artists on the Choon platform add “artistsforlife” in a Smart Music Contract (SMC) to contribute.  

All contributions of 10% or more, will be promoted in the social channels run by Artists for Life. Effectively helping out both independent artists with a little marketing, while building revenue for the charity itself directly.  

Once we’ve built up a decent catalog of contributing music, we will start curating playlists for different moods and genres. And since Choon allows playlist curators to get a percentage of the royalties from music streamed by their playlists, the revenue from this will result in an even higher percentage earned from streams. Effectively making it a charity that won’t ever have to depend on monetary donations. (donations will still be most welcome of course!.. but not required)  

This will allow us to keep a steady focus on what matters, while the royalties contributed by artists keeps coming in at a steady pace. 

At the same time, this setup will allow listeners to conveniently support our initiative simply by streaming the music from our playlists. So you as a listener can support a good cause, while also discovering new artists and music simultaneously. Win-win-win! 

Our goal

Our ultimate goal is to buy the rainforest. That’s right. If big corporations can buy the rainforest to destroy it, we can buy the rainforest to preserve it too. It’s a hairy goal for sure, so we will work hard for this and help out our hairy friends, the orangutans on our way there as well.  

We focus on protecting and preserving the rainforest, protecting endangered species, and animal welfare. While this is our main focus, we may on some occasions also get involved in small forms of social impact investments. This is intended be a sustainable non-profit, run like a charitable and strategic business, fueled by artists. We want to make substantial, permanent, positive change in the world. We will not give out funds to support individuals, diseases, or disasters in most cases. We wish we could, but we will need to stay focused on our mission to succeed in the long-term. 

Our plan

For now, the cause is simply an artist account on Choon. Sprinkled with a whole lot of passion and drive, and supported by artists in the community. As soon as the Notes (the token that fuels Choon) collected reaches a monetary value of more than $100.000, a proper non-profit foundation will get established. And we will formalize things from there. 


The cause was founded by Choon-artists Clyde Rouge, and Kryptokind (me). We will be the ones mainly in charge of strategy and direction of the cause, and handle the funds. We are putting our reputations as artists on stake, and the transparency of the blockchain will allow peers to see where the funds are going. We will keep the public informed of how we spend the funds, and in the early days there will be made small investments to get the cause set up, as well as a fair share of marketing will be done to increase our reach for the future.  


We believe people generally want to do the right thing whenever it’s possible. A vast majority of for-profit crime in the world is committed by less fortunate people living, or growing up in a constant notion of survival. If they had the basic needs for themselves and their families cared for, they would not need to impose harm on others to survive. Based on this belief, we might also invest in social initiatives in the future. 

Greedy corporations are a completely different case, and will need to be handled differently.  

Want to support us?

All contributions and help will be welcomed with open arms. Be it by writing about us, sharing and interacting with our posts, donating royalties, making content, or simply streaming the music from our profile and playlists. 

Follow us on Choon: 

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Stream our first playlist: 

Upvotes, comments, and resteems will be much, much appreciated! 👏

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