I Might Use My Sauna Suit And Hope That The Weather Gets Sunny Today


Detox Day Today

I wanted to let out some water from my body and at the same time detoxify with some of the salt and other toxins from sweating. These months it has not been possible for me to sweat out because of the cooler weather so having to use the sauna sweat suit would allow me to sweat and detoxify and have a goal of diminishing water from my system.

The cold weather is not favorable for me because I could not take off extra water naturally but in these times my bed sheets are kept clean because it doesn't get drenched in sweat as opposed to hot days where I call it sauna days because I am just sweating the whole day through even at night and I just get a break at around 3:00 AM when it starts to cool again until it is broken at around 9:00 AM when the sun gets to shine again.

I am doing this for my goal of shaving some water off before my dialysis for tomorrow because my nurses are insisting that I should only be drawn out with 2.5 Kilos of water which is dumb because if I was to load up with three kilos why wouldn't they take out the whole amount that I had loaded? It will just result in a backlog and me going again in the state of being breathless.

I already had the goal of diminishing my body weight into a more comfortable level for me which resulted in not being breathless two days before my dialysis day which is why it made my in-between dialysis days much more better. The nurses seem not to care if I am out of breath, they just want my BP to get high and doesn't care in adding water into my system.

So still I could not get liberal in my fluid consumption because these nurses would definitely not take it out entirely leaving me with extra fluids in my system and a lesser amount of fluids to consume for my next session. They are just making my life harder because of their system. In fact most of the patients are just weaker and bloated, being thin and yet are pot-bellied which explains the poor state of these patients in my dialysis center which should not be the case.

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