I Am Just Sitting Now After Taking My Parathyroid Medicine Just To Avoid The Bad Aftertaste Side-effect Of It


It Took Time For Me To Figure This One Out

I've been complaining about the bad aftertaste of my inherently nauseatic Parathyroid medicine for quite sometime now and I figured out that it was the factor that I was lying all the time that made me to get that nasty aftertaste in my mouth.

So now I am just trying to sit down for a while after taking it just to prevent myself from having to suffer nausea and misery which is caused by the "fumes" coming from my stomach and into my mouth which is a very awful thing for me to experience as it affects my life for many months now and it is indeed not a good way to live which makes me feel upset and sad about it.

You just cannot blame me for having to lay myself all the time because of the discomfort and pain that I have to go through by just simply sitting up and I also have to use a special kind of chair, a big camping chair so that it could conform into my back and bottom side which lessens the pressure on my body surface where there are pressure points that also causes pains.


Sitting Around After Taking My Medicine Should Work To Avoid The Bad Nauseating Aftertaste In My Mouth

I actually have just done it but since my parents are already off to bed now I culd not extend my sitting and have to go now too on my bed to spend the whole night probably working around and blogging. Next time I will just maybe eat earlier so that I could extend my sitting positioning after taking my Parathyroid medicine just for me to avoid the nasty nauseatic bad aftertaste that my Parathyroid drug is giving me.

I would like to graduate already from taking this very awful medicine which I could not afford to let go because if I do I will make my bones hurt more plus it will make my facial bone and the bones inside my mount, the whole facial area to enlarge some more. That is why I could not let go of this terrible and also expensive medicine which is drying my saved funds fast as well.

Again talking about being in-between living a rock and a hard place and it is crushing my heart, mind, my whole being which is why I am lamenting about it night and day. I wouldn't be surprised if there would come a time that I will develop another illness out from this medicine so if that would come then it is game-over for me, time to turn-off the lights by then.


I Have My own Old Camping Chair To Use Where I Can Sit Most Comfortably

Anyway, my sitting "activity", watching TV after I ate some of my meal and taking my Parathyroid medicine was cut short after my Mother told me that she just want to sleep already as it was pat 10:00 PM now. But I still actually wanted to watch more TV since I haven't watched programs from it for a while and also I want to see a program from National Geographic too.

So I just said OK and let my parents "Carry" me back to my room because I do not want to disturb my mother while she is sleeping just to carry or push my camping chair back here in my room after watching TV. Going back a few feet away from my chair all by myself isn't as easy as it may sound because of my current body condition where getting up is a struggle by itself in the first place my less walking.

So now tomorrow I will do this again much earlier when my mother begins to watch her favorite late noon show before the news so I can sit for long after taking my dreaded medicine just for me to avoid such discomfort and misery caused by my "Cinacalcet". It is hard to live this way but I am determined to fight it in any way I can just for me to avoid further misery than I am currently under right now. May God help me.

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