When You're Tired and You Want to Give Up

My Fellow Steemians

I see a lot of despair in the world around me. I see people who hurt. I see people who don't know where to turn. I hear them say their dreams are slipping away each day...that life is spinning out of control. The weight of the world is too much. All of this seems to boil down to one thing...being tired. Tired of losing. Tired of the struggle. Tired of just trying day in and day out only to not move an inch. I can understand the burden they feel. I have been there. Hell, I feel that I am there now.

I know that there are inspirational movements, quotes, pics, blogs and whatever else out there, but I, just a simple man, want to come forward and do my part. I want to share my pain, my heartache, my struggle...simply to prove that you are not alone. I want to tell the world that I too am tired. I want to quit. I want to hit the snooze button again and again. That every day feels like the movie "GroundHog Day" and I repeat each day, waking and going to bed feeling like I failed...

But beyond all those feelings, I have another side. I have another voice that pushes me forward. I have dreams that I will NEVER LET GO! Life does NOT have to be about all the failures and hardships. Who wants to be remembered for that??? I sure as Hell don't and I won't. Life can be about all the failures and sacrifices that kicked your ass and you got up. You got up again and again. You proved that no matter what the world threw at you, that you would ALWAYS get back up. Nothing in life is worth living for if you just have it handed to you. If you want to be a starter on your highschool football team...get your ass out of bed, workout, eat right, practice, learn the game and learn discipline and you'll get there. If you want to increase your finances to be more comfortable, then do it. Use your passions to your advantage. This will ensure that you will not only enjoy what you are doing but you will increase the chances of continuing and being even more successful.

I encourage everyone to fail. You must fail in order to see what you did wrong and prove to yourself and no one else that just because you failed doesn't mean you are going to give up going after what you want. Don't look at failure like it's the end. Look at failure as the beginning. Learn what you did wrong and face that challenge. Don't stop just because something didn't go your way. Don't stop because someone said you can't or won't achieve your goal. That person that tells you that does not know you. You know YOU! Stop caring what the masses think and make yourself happy.

We all can achieve whatever we want. We just have to appreicate the pain and failure and know that when we have in our possession the end goal, that we will forever be that much greater. Be the best for you and all the bullshit in life will come second nature. Going after what makes you happy and getting it will not only change you but will change the world around you forever!

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