True Colors


I find it quite amazing how shallow people really are and they think no one notices what and how they react. I mentioned a while ago how my friend mentioned that his phone had gone silent and he was on the outside looking in.

He had a business for many years manufacturing components for the furniture industry. His business just grew and grew and everything he did turned to gold. He was originally a founder of Restonic beds which is a massive name in most countries around the world. He then went on to open up this component factory expanding and owning a massive block of real estate.

If you wanted to see him you had to phone first as he was always busy. Various projects all happening at the same time. If you had met him you wouldn't know he has two cents to rub together and he was down to earth. We hit it off immediately and I was one of the few who would just pop in to say high and have his terrible coffee. He had millions yet drank instant coffee and I used to always arrive with take away coffees for us to share as I told him how his coffee sucked.

He sold his company to a massive blue chip furniture company that has it's head quarters in Europe. I never asked him how much he sold for as it was none of my business, but guessing around the $50 Million mark. No wonder he had many friends or acquaintances. After he sold he had another project he wanted to do as he thrived on doing business. What he set up over the next 18 months was quite incredible. The problem is he wasn't making money anymore as this new venture was costing him a bundle.

All the hangers on and so called friends departed for pastures new and better friends who were making money. We discussed this on a weekly basis over take away coffees and had a good chuckle. His phone was silent and he always said he knew when he had made it when his phone is ringing again. This project turned into 3 different projects and yet again he was buying neighboring building after building. Today he doesn't own the whole street yet, but he is well on his way owning 4 factories in a row.

The difference is now he knows who is who in the zoo and there are a handful of us who stuck by him listening and helping him where we could. He has become like a mentor to me and I run things past him and I respect his advice. I still don't need to phone first before popping in as he will always make time for me.

I honestly don't know how people think they can get away with treating people the way they do. This guy noticed and expected this and says it is life and people use each other. He is using them again for his own gains this time and he still looks the same. He drives a 1990 model car that should have been scrapped many years ago and still serves instant coffee. He is a true character that hasn't been affected by money and sees through people reading them like a book.

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