Reincarnation and Karma

Reincarnation and Karma

A concept originally from India that travelled through the minds of Asia, Greece, slowly reached Europe and the rest of Western world. Its beliefs are crucial to the development of humanity, for it provides a moral and ethical code. Without it there would be little meaning to life itself. The esoteric laws of reincarnation and Karma have been deeply veiled to most of the Western cultures as it goes against the values of our religions and churches.

The wise minds of Eastern cultures believed in a great spiritual architecture, by which the divine creator manifests itself over and over in a series of re-embodiments. To this intellectual culture, one of the most elaborate designs, the human body was understood for its complexity and evolution was respected for the thousands of years that went into the creation of man. To them something must live on, we could not merely perish after our short life. Reincarnation, the missing link to evolution, made much more sense.

They believed that each of us went through a series of schooling processes where the soul chooses a human body to work into master human temperaments, discrepancies, restrictions, conditions, illness and disease. As each life is given to the soul, so it can reconcile all these tendencies. The time of birth/embodiment is crucial as many souls will be working together on similar tendencies.

We have an inner world and an outer world, material and non-material. As the material wears down due to friction with other physical elements, the non-material lives on. Science has no proof that energy dies. We know only the opposite, energy never dies. For even the atoms of your body will continue to live and change when your perception of life does not. To Ralph Waldo Emerson we had two bodies, two worlds, the inner and the outer. The mortal outer body, physical and biological the immortal inner body, metaphysical and psychological.

“The soul comes from without into the human body, as into a temporary abode and as it goes out of it anew, it passes into other habitations, for the soul is immortal. It is the secret of the world that all things subsist and do not die, but only retire a little from sight and afterwards return again. Nothing is dead; men feign themselves dead, and endure mock funerals... and there they stand, looking out of the window, sound and well, in some strange new disguise” - Ralph Waldo Emerson

In life we must know that the sole purpose is the soul. We must learn to merge the non-material with the material and understand the other side is the inner side enfolding into a universe much greater than our human mind will recognise.

At first the two bodies (human and soul) must learn to work together in harmony and the human body must learn to release the soul body for guidance. The inner world understands the master plan and the ego will battle with the process. You must become the observer of the two.

When you look around it is common to see troubled souls. Many medical professionals will label them insane, depressed, addicts and the like. Spare a thought for their agreement, be aware that they may be unaware. Every life is born with unfinished business. Some lives will pass by without advancing their soul work, some will be eager to carry out the work, some will be jolted by life to act. Each of us are here with the opportunity to learn from Karma a lesson about making us accountable.

Each karmic embodiment is an opportunity for growth and experience, evolving every species and our future further. Understanding there is a process and that we are part of it is the foundation for our new world. We know nothing more certain that growth, there is no better plan than the cycle of evolution and reincarnation.

Our inner purpose is to grow, growing is not about eating more, but about becoming moreBurger - Steem.jpg

Don’t be disheartened if, despite your best efforts, an old soul catches up with you and Karma shows his face. A grudge with an old friend will ensure life pours out more grudges until you live without grudges. Many may try to escape its purpose of Karma but it will reappear again and again the spiritual debt is not paid until the debt is paid.

Every challenging person or situation will have taken energy to manifest, those that play roles also in it with you to face similar human dilemmas all working in the master plan. Lessons get more intense the more they are ignored, life gets tougher.

To take revenge only deepens the karmic scar, another life will need to be lived to experience the impact of revenge. What seems like a tough deal will work out to be the proper deal.

There is no battle to win externally, only internally. Forever trying to be perfect as we know it is the only thing that is safe, facing dilemmas gets you closer to immortality. Understanding your place in the plan, the agreement you took and begins the real work. Merge the material world with the non-material world and allow them to play a harmony.

When we die, the veil is lifted and see our true purpose for existence. We understand that each one of us must perfect the human state inside out to ensure the future development of our school planet. We see the universal architecture as a whole and how the master plan rolls out for more and more realities.

Gradually the entity becomes aware of its own place in the law of birth and rebirth. It is up to the individual to experience universal wisdom and under these conditions, gradually and inevitably we become one of the greatest teachers to himself and then to others.

Photo by Armando Ascorve Morales on Unsplash
Photo by Dawid Zawiła on Unsplash

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