Face Painting Fun at the Baby Fair! Educating Expecting Moms and Their Families!


One of the perks of pregnancy are the baby fairs. Every time I was with child I attended one. The one we attended last year before baby boy was born was the funnest one ever! My children would definitely agree because there were a lot of fun activities for them to get into. The one activity they loved the most was the face painting!


They got to be real live heroes for a day and a lioness! The ladies that painted their faces were so fun and pleasant. The kids didn’t want to leave them even after their faces were complete. Here are some pictures of the process.




If you are an expecting mom especially a first time mom I highly recommend you attend a baby fair if there is one in your area. You can walk around learning about car seat safety, CPR, what the current best equipment is for your baby, recalls, get free massages, demonstrations, free samples and giveaways.

Every year there is a big giveaway for one lucky mom. She gets a huge package of goodies which consists of necessities such as diapers and wipes, a stroller, baby crib, Boppy pillow, car seat etc. I have never one the big giveaway but just being there, learning, watching the kids have fun and receiving other freebies is just as amazing!

The mothers to be also receive a free baby bump photo! I was told mine looked like a basketball all perfect and round. The photo below was used in advertising for the next baby fair. I was honored my picture was one of the ones chosen :)


I am thankful people take the time to create events like this for families. It is a fun enriching experience! Technically we didn’t have to go every year because after our second child we pretty much felt we were expert parents (not really). 😂 It was just so much fun that we looked forward to going each round.

Have any of you mom’s ever attended a baby fair?

Thanks so much viewing!

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