Illegal things Queen Elizabeth II can do


1. Stealing children

Can you imagine the Queen stealing a child, although it is hard to believe so, although so far it has not done so but if she wanted it can do so. His Majesty is the legitimate protection of all children and has guardianship over any baby or child with certain medical or mental disorders who is a citizen of the United Kingdom, this pretty obsolete law says that the Queen could take a child from the arms of their parents without ning an impact, but quiet Fortunately for parents of this place Queen Elizabeth has never done so and probably never do so, regardless of the guardianship which are allowed to exercise.

2. The Queen can break any law

Your Majesty can ignore laws if desired, as being absolute Empress of the United Kingdom, you can break any law that has been written or that openly adopted or written. You can simply steal a shop, spray paint a wall, marry a child d 16 years or basically do anything that comes to mind, but despite having so much freedom Isabel is a very good and polite person who always thinks about others by which all the people of England can rest assured of that their Queen is not going to be crazy.

3. Trial for murder and other crimes

Let's say that Queen Elizabeth decides to be a serial killer and take some lives under UK law the head of State, i.e. the Queen, it can not be charged since these charges are presented in their own name, technically speaking the Crown is unable to think or hac ER something wrong and any decision the Queen is correct, the Crown Prosecutor is literally the Crown Attorney and a person can not prosecute if same, but of course if the Queen goes crazy and begins to kill people without control the people of the United Kingdom is they would reveal against the Crown, and there would be total chaos.

4. Not have license or passport

If you stop while you drive or not bring drivers license or try to travel without passport probably mess in problems, but that you believe, in the United Kingdom the Queen does not need license to drive, but Interestingly enough the rest of the people require a issued on behalf of her Majesty, she don't even need a registration or any kind of numbers of any kind in their vehicles since they are also issued by the authority of the Crown.

5. Evading taxes

We all pay taxes to contribute to a country's economy, helping the cities grow, because thanks to them are built schools, hospitals, parks, streets, bridges, are paid to public servants, police, fire, and many other things more, without However his Royal Highness if I would could not pay them despite that this great benefit in 1992, the Royal family began voluntarily to pay an amount equal to which citizens would be paying for their income, since the Crown pays all properties under its name and publish all their expense reports, to let everyone know to where will all the money spent from the Queen.

6. Fire to the Australian or Canadian Government

Canada and Australia are also part of the British Empire, I mean if the Queen wanted to move to canada to begin to govern and claim the territory of these countries could do it, but that if he would need a very important reason to make this happen, in addition to that he would face all the people that was in disagreement with their decisions, since long ago that Crown left that these countries had own and responsible Government.

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