Drugs, death and success PT.2

You can find the first part if you click here!

Life was good now, I felt like I was on fire, like I could beat anything that life would throw at me. And I knew, I knew that life could throw some curveballs once in a while just to check my balance. I was working at a hospital for animals as I was in need to save up some money to fund my trading account, and it was actually a very nice job as the animal lover I am. I worked about 10 hours a day, got home and studied for a couple hours, I think I slept 4-5 hours on average for a whole year just to have the time I needed to do what I love.

But the curveball life was about to throw at me I could never imagine. It was a regular day at work, it was about lunchtime and suddenly someone called me on my cellphone. I answered and it was a friend of mine, he told me to check the local newspaper as it had been an accident. It was an 18-year old that was involved in a car accident, you could see on the car that it had been a serious crash but they hadn't found anybody in or around the car. But what I first didn't see, was that it was my best friends car, my heart stopped for a while, the walls were closing in on me and I couldn't breathe.

I told my boss that I needed to leave work, but he told that I was needed and that I couldn't leave as of yet, I told him that I quit, and I just left. I got in the car and left to the accident site to check what had happened, and as soon as I got out of the car I saw it, I could see my friend laying there, a couple hundred meters from the car in the grass and of course I knew that he wasn't alive anymore, he couldn't be. I will never forget that day, and I will never understand how the police couldn't find him when I could see him from the road as soon as I got out of the car.

My life was thrown upside down that day, so many memories that only I could share with him, so many things we had planned for the future. We had planned a one year trip that would start in Sydney, Australia then we would buy a cheap car down there, go from city to city and just explore, continue over to New Zealand and our final destination would then be a flight to Thailand. This was something that we had talked about since we were 13-14 years old.

The day that I did fear so much had arrived, his funeral. As I already had enough experiences with funerals, I knew that I hated them, hated to see people cry, hated the layer of sadness that the church was covered in. I couldn't be there, the sadness was eating me alive so I left. This is something that I regret even to this day but in that moment I thought there was no other way out. It also took me a few years before I managed to even visit his grave as I refused to believe that all this was true.

Life went by and as hard as it was I was forced to move on and the only solution was to move away for a while, a new city and a new beginning. At this point I had already started trading, I had already lost two small accounts but I had learned my lessons from it, I was actually making some decent profit now, so good that I could actually live solely on trading. But I was working from home and as happy as I was doing what I love, something was missing. I had no friends in this new city and it was hard to get to know people when you couldn't meet people through your workplace.

One day an old friend of mine called me, he told me that he needed to move away for a while and asked if he could come live with me, of course I said, he was just going to finish up some things and he would move down in a couple of weeks. That same friend was one of the friends that I had all those drug experiences with, he was also one of the friends that couldn't really get away from the drugs but as for now he was clean and he was in need to get away from the town and all the friends that were still using. This made me really happy, that he was clean and of course that I would get a friend in this new town.

A couple days went by, I remember I was eating lunch at home and I noticed that some of my Facebook friends were posting stuff like "Rest in peace". I wrote a message to one of the people that had posted and asked what've happened and he told me that the same friend that would come live with me had died in his sleep the night to this day. According to the autopsy, his heart had stopped in his sleep, probably caused by the many years of drug abuse. It was just so sad that when he was actually willing to give up that life, his life ended.

I actually went to his funeral, I think I was numb from the feeling that everyone around me was dropping dead and this was not the last funeral, the last couple of years I've been to 2 weddings and 11 funerals. Almost everyone that I used to hang out with is dead today, there is a few that is still alive but the question is how long since most of them are still using. My head is full of memories but no one to share them with, sometimes I feel like my whole childhood was a big dream because the people I spent it with are no longer with me.

But all this has just made me stronger, as I realise that you should not take life for granted. You only get a few years on this earth and you have to make the most of it, chase your dreams and become the person you want to be, the person that you feel proud of. I want to have a great career with a lot of time to spend with my loved ones. I already have the best wife and someday I will be the greatest father of all times. Be grateful for what you already have and more will come to you.

Kind regards,

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