Living life Purposefully

Human life is very precious.we have been sent by God for some purpose.We are the best creation of god. Though all the living creature have common features like eating,feeding,excreting,sleeping,sex,fight etc,There remains a huge difference between us and animals.The basic difference between human and animals is that we live socially,we can understand,we can use our mind to differentiate between good and bad. We maintain discipline to make our life better. We can bring peace not only to our life but the entire civilization through our effort and good actions. We live with some purpose which is not seen in animals.

Human is the most intelligent creature.As long as this intelligence is used for the betterment of the mankind ,it is good but when it is used for the destructive purpose entire civilization becomes at threat.As long as we are doing good to ourselves and others we are the best creation or son of god but the moment when we do or live reverse to this then we are not better then animals.And pathetically if we look deep inside us or others now in days then we will find more animals and very less human on the surface of this earth.The specialty of being a human is almost lost.And the most surprise is that it known to very few people.

Scientifically we are growing ,new inventions has made our life comfortable but we are very rapidly gone down spiritually ans socially.

Our life has some purpose,some meaning,some discipline,some goal,some responsibility. If we don't live life on this basis then we live life by accident,there is no reason. And the highest purpose is always giving, or serving others,trying to do good to others ,trying to bring peace and harmony in the civilization and also without wanting anything in return. Because the true satisfaction does not experienced when we are always 'on the take',or expect in return.. So there is an overall purpose for our life, and each of the many scenes which fill our day are opportunities to serve our purpose.

Let us take time to think deeply, listen to our intuition, and with patience, the reason why we are here, and what we uniquely have to give, will occur to us. Then only we can live our life 'on purpose'.Then only we can possess the right to call ourselves the best creation or son of god or otherwise we are animals because at least same category of animals do not feed on each other and we the human for our own interest we are going beyond anything.

Let us be good and do good to others.Make this earth heaven through endless service ,sacrifice, and good wishes.

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