"God told me to help you."

But was I listening? No.

Actually God tells this to everyone but sadly there is hardly anyone who listens. We're too engrossed trying to thrive or just survive the money game and too busy being hypnotized by the media into hating our fellow human beings. How could we have the stillness of mind required to listen to God?

So instead we let ourselves be divided to the point where everyone is no longer human, instead they become just a label. It's easy to commit violence against a label because there is no empathy with a label. A fellow human being with whom you share the trials of being human and whom you empathize with is much more difficult to harm.

The Big Lie

The majority of people are easily corrupted emotionally and more readily fall victim to a big lie than a small lie. Make the lie big, keep repeating it, and eventually people will believe it.
-Adolf Hitler

The big lies being spread in America are that people of different races, different political leanings, different economic backgrounds, different religions, need to hate each other. The mainstream media gives us examples of this daily. Each story is carefully crafted to elicit an emotional response to instill us (corrupt us) with fear and hate.

Here's an idea.

Instead of listening to the media's message of fear and hate, let's listen to God instead. His message is simple -just help one another.

Yes, God told me to help you.

I'm listening now.


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