Dating doesn't have to be scary!


So I went on my big Date last night, and to be honest I was extremely nervous. We had originally planned to meet up sometime between 6:00 and 6:30. I sent her a message earlier in the day and never heard anything back until about 6:15, but before hearing anything back I had a few internal thoughts. The most prominent one was she is going to flake on me, as this has happened for about the last 5 scheduled dates I was supposed to have. Worst feeling in the world is getting stood up especially when you get ready and all prettied up. Yes I am a guy that likes to dress up for dates #DealWithIt So I found out she was just running really late from work, and we ended up meeting at 7:45 instead.

The place of choice was a Sushi restaurant, I figured it would be a nice place to have a sit down and chit chat without completely stuffing our faces. Well it worked out well, this was one of the first times, I had actually managed to have a normal conversation with someone without them having to look at there phone every 5 minutes. It was really a luxury that we definitely take for granted these days. So we sat there chatting right up until the restaurant closed, I went in for the hug, she went in for the kiss. Here is me very surprised at this point, as I have typically always have been the first one to initiate. We swapped numbers, and we have another date lined up for this coming Saturday and I am very much looking forward to it. So the plan for Date number two is to bake cookies together, little does she know, I don't actually need any help. Most girls just assume guys do not know there way around the kitchen, so this will be a fun surprise!

Oh this last bit is just an aside, but it's absolutely hilarious! So not too many people know this, but I have a really shitty phone. I have had girls break up with me because they think I am broke for not having a nice phone. I am not really sure when this became the big status symbol for modern society but it is a thing. So when we were exchanging numbers, I told her, that the dating app we were both on, I could only access it from my house. So I would have been super screwed if she got lost, or anything. She laughed a little at me when she saw just how slow it was for my phone to load up the contacts list. She laughed some more when I had to type out the Emoji's the old fashioned way :p :) ;)
Good news is she actually kinda digged the old school vibe so that is a plus. I have never upgraded mainly due to the fact that I really hate phones, and the way they are used now.

Cheers! Will be keeping you informed as things progress, Steem ya Later

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