The most important place on our planet

We do not think about the fact that in addition to the various wonders of the world and the presidential palaces on our planet, there may be an even more important structure. The object called the World Seed Storage in Svalbard is our future.

This building is located in Norway, in permafrost conditions, at 120-meter depth and at an altitude of 130 meters above sea level in Longyearbyen. The project is designed to preserve the seeds of all agricultural plants in the world. In the case of climate change, nuclear war and even the fall of the asteroid, all the seeds will remain intact.

It is assumed that most of the reserves will remain viable for hundreds, even thousands of years in the storage, regardless of external circumstances.

The granary is designed for 4.5 million seed samples, and each country on our planet has its own compartment in this plant bank, including countries covered by the war. Not so long ago, the Syrian government withdrew part of its supplies to replenish seeds in his country after some crops were destroyed by rocket fire.

The facility is equipped with a lock chamber and an explosion-proof door. Refrigeration plants ensure the safety of samples, and even if the devices fail, the temperature in a room will rise no more than 3 ° C in a few weeks.

Cereals are stored at a temperature of -18 ° C, since these are optimal conditions for preserving the metabolic activity of the seeds. And no, no illegal plants are allowed. In the event of a nuclear catastrophe, if you do not keep marijuana in any other place, you will not find it here.

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