Give to Receive, the formula for constant improvement?


One afternoon in July at the beginning of the 90s a spider was born.

That was the first impression that my beloved grandmother had of me, seeing something so tiny and thin as a reward for his 9 months of waiting, then I was only "The Black" for having the darkest skin of our house.

My childhood was of confinement and fantasies. I went out only to study and visit relatives, nothing about playing outside, my universe was made by my mother's ideals, educational documentaries and cartoons, my friends were made of aluminum, plasticine and paper; the confinement became part of me.

Begin primary school was the beginning of my nightmares, I wanted to return to the confinement but there was nothing to do, my social capacity was almost zero, my weakness was obvious, said by friends and even my own family on numerous occasions, arrive and taking refuge in the television was my only relief.


"Wandering I found myself through the dark jungle ..."

My early adolescence was plagued by personal demons, bullying and a self-imposed mental confinement. Barely 12 years old and I bought my first non-academic book: self help, the name "Your Erroneous Zones: Guide to Fight Unhappiness" clicked on my head, I read it until I felt some peace, from that book came my first drop of self esteem.

Later it was anger, I hated my family, my friends, and everyone else was just the enemy, at 16, a day of frustrations I decided to direct that hatred only to those enemies, it was my first attempt to defend myself, I turned a little more "pilas", a mix between alert and malicious.


Did I really achieve it?

Start the university, AH! sweet freedom after 11 years of unrecoverable hell and 1 of rest, while my parents worried about "what will the boy study?" I was wondering, and now, who am I going to be? Being myself was out of the question, I had to change.

I took everything I had already done, my role models, self-help books I had read for years, and made this person brave, confident, insensitive, noisy, almost mischievous and deeply satisfying to be; outwardly, I had reached my goal.

Now with a job and responsibilities, the mirror in which I looked at 16 reflects internal inconsistencies, still weak, still full of anger, disappointment, anxiety, but with a huge difference: years of introspection and study of personal growth, self-help, entrepreneurship, and could be said accidental.

I never liked those concepts. "Self-help" I thought it was only for old and repentant people, "Personal Improvement" associated with thieves courses, "Entrepreneurship" only an unspecified word of people who do business without a name or sell Herbalife.


I love them today, without realizing it I became a connoisseur of the subject, not the most versed, but definitely one who applies what he preaches, and who knows what he is talking about, could even call it a passion, and if he is, it is probably the first I have

When I realized I was walking stooped, I straightened my posture; When I realized that sleeping well made me feel good, I got a routine and started to sleep better; when life destroys me, I remake myself; I identify my faults, I recognize them and work on them alone or with the help of others.

Using the story of my life to give me momentum, I intend to demonstrate how I decided to be the sculptor of my own being, that change is possible, that it starts from the inside out, that it is not overnight and that little by little will be perfecting with two tools that for me are basic: discipline and introspection.


With this article I begin a series of writings where I explain my understanding of the most popular concepts of self-improvement, entrepreneurship, self-help, etc., from the point of view of someone who has seen the tricky part of carrying these concepts so perfect to practice, because for something there is the saying "easier said than done".

In addition, I want to contrast these concepts with the psychological and physiological reality of the human being, so that we can understand in depth the how and why that surround such abstract words as "resilience", "paradigm", "self-validation" among others.


Give to receive

This is a biblical phrase (it really is give, and it will be given according to Google), applicable in too many areas of modern man's life, of bacteria and thought, to give is to receive in all cases if you can see the whole picture , which means that the repercussion of your actions will not always be at first sight.

Today I want to complement that list of concepts that I now love with the "Give to Receive"; when you receive something in exchange for what you give, my theory is that you receive at least 100% of what you gave and at most a higher figure because if I give an idea, if I motivate someone, the domino effect will multiply my retribution.


Hello community, my name is irrelevant for now, I will share the important thing of me in a second post #introduceyourself that I will create, for now I just want you to know that this is my first post and I accept all the criticism and advice without any problem, I came here to help, so until next time!


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