My poor classic drifter truck

This is the sad story my of 1986 Dodge Ram 50 AKA baby drifter OG. It was morning time and i was on my way to work. As usual it was just raining and the road was slick. I was going down a winding hill. There was a person behind me at a decent distance. as i go through the curves i start to slow down as the next curve is very sharp. as i press the brake i feel myself beign thrown forward as the car behind me hits my rear bumper. Not hard enough to take them out or even slow them down. We were going downhill and around a sharp curve and thats all it took to spin me sideways down the hill in the oncoming lane overlooking the cliff that was going to be the death of me. My inner voice told me loud and clear PUSH IN THE CLUTCH!! I did. As soon as i compressed the clutch pedal my truck broke loose of current trajectory and i started going backwards away from the cliff and SMACK right in to the shoulder in my original lane. As my rear end collided with the shoulder my head went backwards and through my rear window taking it our in one piece. I drove to work 27 miles away afterwards. The car hit and ran. I had no recourse so this is now my race car project. here are the photos one of which includes @justinashby 20170612_185215.jpg 20170612_185227.jpg20170612_185249.jpg20170612_185305.jpg20170612_185313.jpg20170612_185323.jpg20170612_185339.jpg20170612_185431.jpg

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