I have to verbally express that keep doing the same thing all the time is boring, and I certainly do not relish being bored. In an authentic world, there are numerous things for you to do, so why try it now when you still have the time?

I believe that you should always endeavor new things. Since you only live once, you should live it to the fullest and venture different activities.

“Should I be doing this? Can I do this? Do I look ignorant? What am I doing!?” That's what I say when people would tell me to try something new. Some people may say, “I don’t like to try new things because, sometimes they could be risky.” I cannot deny that. However, nothing in this real world has never risk. The unfamiliar makes us nervous that we let the fear stop us. But pushing ourselves out of our comfort zones is absolutely good for us. You never know where they could take you. Personally, I disagree that getting out of our comfort zones makes us to have a better living up until in my fourth year in college, when my interests were suddenly changed.

Last May 2017, I decided to join in a business firm because I noticed that from my past years of living, I have never seen progress in my life. I understand that I need to take the risks. But before it happened, it took months when I finally decided. I tried to get out of my safe cocoon at that time and it's really hard for me to take that first step. Then I keep telling to myself, "If I don't go out and try, how far I'll go?" , so it wasn't easy. I understand that there would be a process, so I accepted the challenge and took it one at a time until I see small changes with my habits and slowly changed my attitude.

I’m glad I decided to try something new, even though I was skeptical at first. The only way you'll make progress and improve as a person is by constantly pushing your border, so why not make this year you take those first steps?

The possibilities are absolutely countless when it comes to trying something new, and regardless of a big or small leap outside of your comfort zone you’ll still harvest the benefits. If it's still in your mind, it is worth TAKING the RISK.

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