Nervous About This Week's Baby Appointment

So as those of you that read my very first post know, me and my wife have been on a bit of a journey ever since we first decided to try and have a baby. For those who have not read that post, we lost our first baby at about 8 weeks and as of now, my wife is about 7 months pregnant with our daughter Zoey Leigh.


This has not been the easiest and smoothest pregnancy either with a few scares along the way. About a month ago, my wife was having a lot of pain and contractions that got us concerned so she went to the doctor. The doctor assured us everything was ok and not to worry because her heartbeat was strong and she was moving like crazy. It was then that we found out that little Zoey was hanging out much further down in the womb than she should have been at this point in the pregnancy. We went through some tests to make sure that my wife was not going into premature labor and luckily she was not.

However it was at this point that the doctor told my wife that she was on mandatory bed rest and was not allowed to do anything or get out of bed for anything other than to use the restroom. She had to be on bed rest until her next appointment that following Thursday where the doctor wanted to make sure that Zoey had finally moved from her position. That Thursday came around and Zoey still had not moved locations but her heart was still going strong and she was still performing kung fu on my wife's insides so the doctor gave my wife the go ahead to go back to work but to just take it easy.

Fast forward to last week and my wife was in immense pain again and having multiple contractions a day. The doctor wanted to see her immediately to see what was happening. An exam and a few tests later showed that my wife was somewhat dilated already but not so much to cause much alarm. It was at this appointment though that the doctor let us know of a concern she has had for a little while now but she wanted to give it time and not worry us unnecessarily. Zoey Leigh is very small for how far along we are. My wife does have a belly but Zoey is not growing and putting on weight like she should be at this point. Her heartbeat is still strong and she is still very active but just small.

So here we are now waiting for the next appointment in a few days to get another ultrasound to see whats going on. They want to measure Zoey and make sure that she is improving. Given our past difficulties in this area, its definitely scary to think that something may be wrong, however, I am very optimistic and cannot wait to get another peek at this little girl on Thursday.

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