The Rising Social Media Influence


Social media is one of the things that changes the inflow of the world, this thing generally transformed the way of our communication. In here, you can easily reach the people you love, search whatever you want to see, post whatever you feel, and share those good times you experienced. However, Social Media is also one of the problems why most teens, well basically everyone are fond of procrastination into their important works which may lead to massive distraction towards one’s goal.

Delaying of activities because we all know, with the use of this life’s growing needs towards Social media, with just one snap, we can deliver all the things we want to initiate, Right? Influence of Social Media has become the most dangerous outlet of all domination in the world. With the use of Social Media, everyone has become a prisoner in the world’s influence.



These stories are generally implied to everyone using social media. I have this classmates who literally the genius and the most dynamic student among us. But things changes for the mean time when one of our classmates posted a cheating sheet in our Group Chat in Messenger. I myself was tempted to save it in my phone but I didn't.

My classmate which I would prefer calling ‘DJ’ likes to study using those text book but because of that evil sheet, He state that -

“I was allured and forced because all of my best mates in our Group chat told me that they studied using that sheet and it was easy and fast, so I tried it"


This kind of Social Media Influence is more likely to circulate in Peer Influence but the cheat sheet wouldn’t be disseminated properly if not to the help of social media. I admit that in this generation, students are more likely to be inattentive and unconcerned to reminders and notices that the school gave in personal, because they thought of the power of social media can help them anytime of the day.


Imagine being on your bed watching Netflix or Youtube, you forgot all the memo that the teachers had gave you for the reason of you didn’t write a single word but! One of your classmates, took a picture of it, so in your thoughts, social media is just one tap away, all those assignments, projects, exams, and activities are just on a single click away. It is also the making of unproductive generation. Wow, Innovation is what they called it.


This story that I must share to you are the evolving language that people this days adapt. Here in the Philippines, evolving language is certainly a trend. Here are some of the language that are trending here this past few months.


"Lodi" is "idol" spelled in reverse. "Petmalu" is a syllabic reversal of 'malupit', the Tagalog term for "cruel." 'Werpa" is another syllabic reversal of the word "power." - information via

Because in the power of social media, people nationwide adapted this language quickly than before, I must say that it is really on style and everyone likes it even here in Pampanga. My mom also adapted it, She used her phone like every day so the result was astonishing, She keeps on asking why people on her Facebook keeps on posting “Petmalu”, "Lodi" and “Werpa” She is totally confused about it, she even asked us, the hilarious about it is that she keeps on saying “Pematlu” rather than “Petmalu”. It sounds laughable haha


Another thing that influenced my mom other than being captivated by those languages is her indulgent into cooking videos in Youtube especially Facebook. She learned how to try something new, something that are not cooked by traditional Filipino moms.


She is affected by Dishes that have a different kind of twists and explosions within it, a mixed of Mexican cuisine and Filipino spices and sometimes Italian or any kind depending on the video. One thing I love about Social Media is that it makes my mom to try something fresh and new which I think one of the positive proofs of emerging domination of social media.


I must not forget about the Influence of Social Media Stars to Teenagers, Popular people who intently to be a role model, Hence forgetting to be cautious in some of their actions. I wouldn’t mention any known people on Social media. But the point is, those stars out there have a huge number of followers and still gaining into this day forward, teens and even kids look upon them as their Idol.


Fans with their limited view upon what is right and gaining the influenced of some stars who doesn’t mind if they could change someone’s life negatively which I think not a good thing. The tendency of such action is whatever that Idol does, Those teens and kids who likes them imitate it unconsciously and sometimes attentively.


Let’s face it, even not by those Idols, People this days are highly affected by social media growing population. Everyone is on it, so everyone’s decision sometimes depends on what is the trend right now inside the world of social media. Honestly, I really don’t support some trends happening in our country and even worldwide, it doesn't fit on me somehow.

"You can either allow social media to be helpful for you or it can be harmful. I like to let it be helpful" - Ciara


Somewhere in an interview in a television show, I heard a doctor telling the interviewer that whatever we watch or read on the internet or television will always have an influence in our actions. We might not distinguish it early but it will later on shows in our decisions.

This theory points out specifically children who tends to watch TV and somehow learned how to use social media.The growing aspect of child may influenced by those shows aired on TV.


I truly believed that Social Media has a massive impact in all of us, There might be a plenty of negative things I noticed in this developing era of Social Media, I would still agree that it has a lot of positive on it, like spreading the awareness in issues like Bullying, Depression, Rape, Gender Inequality and many more.

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I also believed that those who know well should guide those younger one who use social media in any way. We should make them understand the cons and prons it has, and should always think about the benefit it might give if we educate them with proper direction. Widening the knowledge will surely give us the better world of social media. If you can’t change everything, then start it with someone you know. Because after all…

Life’s like that.

"What is interesting is the power and the impact of social media... So we must try to use social media in a good way"

  • Malala Yousafzai


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