50 kids and West Coast Waffles, SAY WHAT?

My phone rings"Hi Cliff would you like to bring 50 of your superkids down to WestCoast Waffle for a meal all on us?" Should I rise to the challenge? Oh course i do." IMG_3153 2.jpg

We get a hold of the older kids and got 50 ready to eat a huge waffle meal.I start up the bus and away I go. Pick up a few leaders and the kids and the bus is full. Party time. The kids are so happy because WestCoast Waffle is a very popular place.

Let the ordering begin :)
The kids we work with don't get the chance to do these kind of things. So it was a huge treat for them.
These are best waffles ever!

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Now the the walk back to the bus, it's night now but all is good. The kids had such a great time and were all filled with amazing waffles. When you help kids that may not have the same advantages as others the reward in their little life is huge. It can be life changing for them. A simple event can change the course of a life. Until next time:) OH no I go to start the bus and it won't start, nice way to finish the night. So thankful we just needed a jump start :)

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