The next Section of this book FINAL FAMILY SURVIVAL STRATEGY

Why do we need to look at alternative medical treatments?
• There may be a more effective way to treat a condition outside of conventional medical practice.
• Medicines may not always be available from normal distribution channels.
• The Medical and Pharmaceutical industries are some of the most corrupt and price controlling groups.
• Getting an alternative perspective on personal health is a good idea.
How do you find alternative medical information? The best way is to do internet re-search; there is always information on the net. You will need to research each item that is of interest to you. If you find a substitute for a conventional medicine that you need then do extensive research upon that item. If you have a good relationship with you Medical Doctor then talk it over with him.
Remember that the medical profession is scripted to a very narrow method of dealing with problems. Their basic method of operation is to diagnose a symptom and then look up a drug to treat the symptom. They are not trained to look for causes or ways to change your life style to remove the cause. Some MD’s try to treat the causes but they are not well sup-ported by the pharmaceutical companies, after all if you fix the cause you can’t sell a lot of drugs to treat the symptoms.
The best example that I have seen is in cancer cures and treatments. There are a lot of supposed cancer cures that might work I don’t know. I do know that the Government, Amer-ican Medical Association and the pharmaceutical companies will not support research to prove or disprove these cancer treatments. The most widely know is the use of cesium chlo-ride to treat cancer. The papers all debunk the cure but no one has done a controlled study to learn the facts about this treatment. The studies that have been conducted certainly did not meet the approved scientific model; however, they show results that are miraculous. The people treated in a couple of the studies that I read were all terminal cancer patients, in other words they had been left to die by the medical profession. Approximately 30% of these folks survived with this treatment. That to me indicates sufficient evidence to fund and conduct research to prove or disprove this treatment and to do the study in an open to the public manner. I do know that if I was diagnosed with extreme cancer I would not have a problem trying one of the alternative treatments. What would I have to lose?
You need to do your own research for alternative medicine and life style changes that may improve your health.
I am a living example of using alternative medicine. A few months ago I found that I had very high blood sugar levels in the morning. My blood sugar was running over 200 on the standard scale using readily available test strips. After doing a lot of research of natural metabolic enhancers I came up with a plan. So far it has worked and my blood sugar levels run from 95 to 125 most of the time in the morning. I do not suggest that you do this unless you have the necessary knowledge. Try to find a medical professional that will work with you to find a natural method of control for type II diabetes.

This should have been chapter 13 because it is where all the nasty things are discussed that you need to know to develop a WHY you should take action. Your future and that of your family depend upon you taking action today. Your first step should be to make a plan of how you are going to survive in the 21 century.
• We are faced with climatic change and we can’t do anything about it.
• Our country is governed by drunks at least not by those with our best interest in heart. It is no longer a government of the people, by the people and for the peo-ple. Our economy is in the dumpster.
• We do not have a shortage of natural resources including oil and other energy products.
• Greed is a larger part of our life than love of our fellow man.
• Written history has been modified to deceive the common man.
• We could see famine greater than that talked about in the Bible.
• Global warming is a myth. Global cooling may be the reality.
• Freedom will cease to exist in the United States of American in the next 15 years unless we mend our ways.
• We are facing a worldwide food shortage.
• The medical community no longer cares about human beings, only money. For ex-ample the local dentist here in Benton City, Washington charges $300.00 for a simple tooth extraction. They have no remorse in telling you that if you can’t pay don’t bother us. Obamacide is real and working.
I can’t tell you what the climatic change will be where you live but you can bet that it will change. It is probably impossible for anyone to predict what our climate will do in the next 10 to 50 years. It will change and here are some of the reasons.
The earth’s axis has changed orientation to the sun by a significant amount. If you can measure this change it is significant to our weather and climatic conditions.
The sun spot cycle appears to be approaching an all time low. This means that solar en-ergy will be reduced.
Due to axis shift, sunspot cycle and alignment of the planets the earth’s magnetic shield could be vulnerable to penetration by high energy cosmic particles. This will cause magnetic storms and other unusual events. A good example of this is an unusual lightning storm over the Rattlesnake Mountains of Eastern Washington in late December of 2012. It was not re-ported any where. I know it happened because I observed it. My guess is that the govern-ment suppressed the importance of this event to prevent possible panic of the people. I have interviewed a lot of the “old timers” in this community and they stated these things. 1) We have never had lightning storms in the winter. 2) We only started to hear thunder and see lightning here about 20 years ago. I am not sure how true the second statement is but when I was teaching school in Mabton, Washington about 1966 I do not remember any thunder storms, just a little rain in the spring and some snow in the winter. The significance of these statements is change is accelerated and we don’t know what the change will be.
Here are a few facts to back up these ideas:
The Mayan calendar ended with no significant change or did it? In December of 2012 there was a galactic alignment of planets, sun, and the Milky Way galaxy that could have had a gravitational affect upon on the already shifted earth’s axis. My personal opinion is that the real damage will be caused by the effect upon the earth’s magnetic shield. This could create holes or passageways for high energy cosmic radiation to enter the space between the magnetic shield and the atmosphere.
In July of 2012 Climatologist Cliff Harris stated:”It remains the opinion of this climatolo-gist that this 7-year cycle of extremes won’t peak until at least 2038. We will continue to see long-standing weather records broken worldwide on an accelerated scale.”
If this is not climatic change what is it?
The drought of 2012 is now a matter of record rivaling the “dust bowl” days of the 1930’s.
During the same time frame central Australia reported frigid temperatures in the low 20 on the Fahrenheit scale. Peru reported temperatures below 12 degree Fahrenheit in areas of generally mild temperatures.
Climatologist Cliff Harris states, “What’s ahead weatherwise is anyone’s guess. Expect the ‘unusual’ and you’ll undoubtedly be right.”
The answer is no. We have adequate resources for the next 1000 years if we are a little bit prudent in the way that they are used. In his report “The Third Term” Porter Stansberry, of S & A Investment Research defines our petroleum energy reserves. We have plenty. I am not sure that I agree with his analysis that the cost of gasoline and heating fuel will go down. Under the current government and international policies it looks to me like greed will be the factor that sets the price and not supply and demand. In any case having enough oil is not the problem. The problem is government regulation and political profiteering.
We have an ample supply of all the metals that we need to sustain our country if we use them to manufacture finished products in this country.
We need to conserve our greatest resource “We the People.” The average Joe on the streets of the United States is just a mark for the established world powers to use to make more money. This is not about countries but rather about private greed and power.
Getting out of debt makes sense even if it requires personal sacrifice.

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