The Final Family Survival Strategy next section.

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The spring season of the economy is a time of renewal. People have just passed through a long period of tough times. Most of the people are broke because of the manipulation and greed of the ruling classes. Many times the spring season economy happens at the same time as a revolution happens in the seasons of a country. This revolution does not have to be a bloody revolution. It can be peaceful and thoughtfully carried out. Any revolution is a time of great turmoil. No one is exempt from this turmoil.

What comes out of this period of renewal is a new emphasis on the importance of the individual. Because the individual again becomes important, new ideas and new inventions that have not ever even been thought of before, are developed and become members of the marketplace.

The essence of the individual must change for this revolution to take place. The individual again has to become:
• Hard-working
• Self-supporting
• Independent
For this renewal to take place it is important that the majority the people developed the first of these three things. They must become hard-working. This leads to a sense of self sufficiency and personal pride. It is not a time for easy living. It is difficult to self manage oneself and to provide for your family at the same time. This causes the thought processes to move up a notch and it leads to new ideas.

When this happens nearly everyone participates. There is little welfare except for those that because of some physical or mental handicap cannot provide for themselves. Families become immensely important as they provide the support and the means for this renewal to take place.
With all the new ideas and inventions taking place the world becomes a very busy place with a great buzz about individual achievement. Some of the characteristics of life at this time follow:
• Welfare is nearly nonexistent because families take care of one another.
• If you go out into the mountains hunting and you get lost you don’t expect 20,000 people to come looking for you. You went out there and beyond your family no one has a responsibility to look for you. You either have the survival skills to survive or sometime in the future your bones will be found.
• When one member the family falls on hard times the rest of the family comes together to help them out.
• This is the age of entrepreneurship. People begin to build their own businesses and develop a relationship with their neighbors and friends.
The spring season is like an infant that is born begins to crawl and all the sudden is up and running. That is the way the economy develops in the spring season.

The summer season is defined as a season of business growth. All the new ideas that came forth and are being developed from the spring season are the new businesses. These new businesses are sending intense economic growth.. Those people are willing to work and want to get ahead and do very well. Those that don’t want to work don’t do so well. This is where the seeds of the welfare system are planted. They are planted by those people that don’t want to work and don’t want to take care of themselves.

Since the summer season is a season of growth certain factors have to come in to play. The one factor that is important for the summer season to continue and to develop its maximum potential is that ethics must prevail. Everyone needs to respect the rights of everyone else. This means that a business must produce a good product or a good service for the money received. It is the time when businesses realize what a fair profit is. Just because they have something that nobody else has and it is a closely guarded secret the business still charges a fair price. As we move into the fall season this idea begins to change. Greed comes into the picture.

Many people become blinded by this work ethic. They lose sight of their families and their community. Their only focus becomes to make more money and get more power. That leads them directly into the fall season, the harvest.

This becomes the time when those who may feel a little smarter or be a little smarter decide that they should get more. Now there’s nothing wrong with hard work and working for what you gain. However, if what you gain is achieved by the tremendous sacrifice of others and underpaid workers the economy begins to grow to a class-based system. Greed causes this.

A lot of the people see the while those guys are get lots of money for doing nothing why can’t we. This leads to the beginning of the Dole and welfare. The feeling of many people becomes, why should we work? Let someone else support us. This is when the wealthy harvest the work of the poor.

Please do not misinterpret me. Wealth is not bad if properly applied. If the wealth is used for the good of the people, the good of the family, and the good of the community is a great asset society. This does not mean that the wealthy need to give to those that don’t want to work and don’t want to become self-reliant. It does mean that those of poor circumstances and are willing to work should not be taken advantage of.

During this fall season feelings of resentment grow, as the have-nots want to become I haves, without any work.

As the winter season develops we have a few very wealthy, virtually no middle class and the largest number of people are in the lower class. We also have a large number of people on welfare that are supported by the lower class, not the wealthy. During this period we see the growth of really big government. The government has an axe to grind.
• The rights of the common people basically do not exist.
• The government wants to control all of the actions the people. This is done through economic slavery.
• The government wants the people to believe that they can’t take care of themselves.
This leads to the IWW syndrome, I Won’t, Work. This leads to the idea that the worker only has to do the very minimum. The workers become very unproductive. And of course this causes the obsessive wealthy and the greedy to react. This reaction is to put more control on the worker. This is done to get them to work hard. After all if those workers don’t produce, how are we going to get all our wealth? This leads to the beginning of a socialistic society. Now true socialism where everyone shares in where everyone is taken care of equally is not a bad idea. The problem with this is there is always that class on this planet that wants to take advantage of someone else and profit immensely from their work.

As this happens the productivity of the economy and society becomes very stagnant. Economic principles begin to apply that the wealthy can no longer control. These include inflation, deflation and end up in dormancy. Big brother has taken over and things have gone to pot. The economy goes into a state of extreme dormancy and that dormancy leads a few individuals to seek renewal.

As the productivity of the people drop off, the government needs to maintain its power and its wealth. This leads to a great expansion of the government’s involvement in other countries and in world affairs. The government seeks to join with other governments to control more people. Again behind this there are a few very wealthy old families that wish to control all the rest of us. I know that this sounds like conspiracy theory but if you will check your history you will find that this is quite true. (Many feel that this is Satan trying to take over the world.)

The greater cycles of the things in the universe will not allow this to happen. The universe was developed for the good of man, not for men to live as a slaves. Therefore, the economy goes into a stated dormancy until it can renew itself again and start over. This leads us back to the spring season many times through revolution, either a bloody revolution or sometimes a less painful variety.

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