Section 11 of the Final Family Survival Strategy

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It goes without saying that if you have read this far in this book then you want to be out of the city if you aren’t already. You will need five to ten acres of land with adequate water to grow food for your family and your animals. This is not an easy undertaking. It takes work. It is worth the effort for several reasons. You know what is in your food. If there is a truckers strike your next day’s meal is secure. I can’t tell you how to get land. If you want this life style than set the goal and develop a plan. My best advice is to your own research. We have 20 acres as a family home stead. Two of my children and their families live here with Ma and Pa. It is also a great way to raise kids. Children live in the city, kids live on the farm.
This section is a revision of the first issue of this book. Since I wrote the original book I have been convinced that life in the city is going to get very hard almost immediately. It is February of 2013 and this country is facing massive unemployment. In my family there are four men unemployed with good skills. Two of them are college graduates. The government is printing money like they were about to run out of paper. We all know what this will lead to. This leads to hyper inflation. Now this might have some benefit to those that owe money and have a source of income that will inflate along with the cost of living. What this means is that it will take a wheel barrow full of money to buy a small bag of groceries. If you don’t be-lieve this then look at hamburger that is over $3.00 a pound when a year ago it was less than $1.50 a pound. Gasoline was about $2.00 a gallon a year or so ago. It is now almost $3.50 per gallon. The really interesting thing is that the government does not take these types of items into the calculations for inflation.
If there is any way possible you need to get a couple of acres of land. By using the right intensive gardening techniques you can grow most of your own food.
With the current real estate market your land may be the best investment that you will ever make. Current long term interest rates in 2013 are less than 5%. It won’t all ways be this way but land is a good investment and they ain’t going to make any more of it.

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