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All things upon the earth appeared to be divided into the cycles. These cycles seem to correspond to the weather cycles caused by the earth’s rotation around the sun.

Human life is very much cyclic in nature. We start out with the spring season followed by the summer season followed by the fall and then the winter season. I will try to go forward and described the seasons as I see them from my perspective of life. I now occupy the fall season of life. I am moving into the winter seems and it’s great
The spring season of life begins at conception of a new entity created by the father and mother. This is very similar to the creation of seed by the junction of cells within a plant. This spring season is much like a plant seed is planted in the ground and the seed begins to develop. The seed quickly pops up the surface. The same thing happens with human life the baby grows in mommy’s tummy until he gets too big and then he pops out. Birth is the sec-ond part the spring season. Now baby at birth is very much like a plant that emerges from the ground. It’s very tender and very dependent upon surroundings. This baby is completely dependent upon his parents. At this period of development the baby is going through tre-mendous learning and developing personality traits and becoming a human being.

As a baby matures into a toddler, its learning curve increases exponentially. It learns all kinds of things like hot stove burn hand. Me hungry cry, maybe mommy will feed me. The toddler is still extremely dependent upon his parents much like a plant that is just started to grow and move forward in life. This is definitely the spring season for the child. This new human being is learning vast amounts of things about the world as it grows and moves for-ward to the next level of existence. The young child has to interact with people and again an increase of learning and understanding of the world. This understanding is critical because it is this understanding that a child develops at this young age that will serve them throughout their lifetime. This is the time when building relationships are learned.

The child moves on through grade school and a high school. Generally this is a relatively uneventful. Child’s life for those that are smart and intelligent moves smoothly.. This is a time when they develop those skills that they will use throughout their entire life. For some it might be music. For others it might be a mechanical talent or an ability to build things. Some will develop a talent for writing. In fact many of the neatest things I’ve ever seen writ-ten were written by children between the ages of 10 and 14.

Did I say that word 14. At about the age of 12 or 13 the child develops a new an adoles-cent. The life of the adolescent is a very difficult. This time compromises the beginning of the summer season. This is when the adolescent start to learn to maintain himself, the respon-sible for herself and to take care of herself and her duties in life. The adolescent begins to bud and develop as the new hormones flow throughout their body. This is difficult for the adolescent because these hormones stimulate them to feel as if they’ve never had before. The young man looks at the young lady and thinks wow she’s really gotten cute in the last 10 years. I remember when we used to climb trees and dig in the dirt together. Now she’s wear-ing those frilly dresses. About the same time young lady looks at the young. Is This the same guy used to get all dirty and covered with chocolate that came visit me. He just doesn’t look the same anymore. I have a lot different feelings toward him than I used to have. But she really doesn’t think about those things because those are the hormones and the emotions beginning to erupt as she begins to flower into the womanhood of the next stage of her life.

This adolescent stage is also the stage of intensive learning in specific areas for the ado-lescent. This is the period of time when they develop the final skills for developing relation-ship of other people. If they do not mature in these skills to develop relationships they will have problems with their relations with people throughout their entire life. This is a period of time when the adolescent needs to learn certain social rules. These rules vary from cul-ture to culture but basically they are same in all reality. Those that will excel the most and feel the best about themselves learn three basic rules. The first rule is the rule of commit-ment, if they take on a project or the decided to do something and tell somebody. They learn to always keep that commitment The second rule is integrity. Integrity is the thing that teaches them what they ought to commit to and that to make a commitment they will follow through and complete. And the third rule that these young people desperately need to learn is respect. They must learn to respect others. They need to learn that other people have rights and the right of their own opinion.

The summer the individuals flight probably begins halfway through the adolescent years. This is where major growth takes place in the body and in the mind. As they a move forward through this, to about the age of 18 they learn skills necessary for them to go on and be suc-cessful, to multiply, and to be fruitful be fruitful in their lives
Somewhere between 18 and 25 the individual enters the summer their life. This is the Time when couples marry and start their families. This is a period of immense emotional growth and physical growth. This is when the ability to become independent truly develops. Now the individual becomes independent but he also must become inter dependent with another person, their spouse. This interdependency is the thing that makes the summer of one’s life so wonderful and valuable.

The summer, produces offspring and a new generation of goals that will carry on in the next cycle of life. During the summer the parent’s life, the offspring are taught and trained from the things that the parents have learned in their lives and from their experiences. This is the time when the parents must work extremely hard to support their growing offspring and their growing families.
Many folks believe that the summer of the human lifecycle is the season people earned their greatest advancement and do the greatest things in their lives? This is not the case the greatest earnings of a person’s life cycle occur in the fall. This is when their expectations, their skills and their talents reach their peak. During the fall period of life people money put in the bank for old age and for retirement. The fall season allows them to finance the educa-tion of their children and as their children get through school the needs of the children are reduced. There are more resources left for the couple to invest in the future. The fall of a person’s life is when he starts to see his grandchildren come. This is a great time because as a grandparent they can take an active part in the development of that child. It’s also a time when they can be of great assistance to the parents of that child because those parents who are going to run on overloaded with caring for their children and maintaining their families. It is the duty and the pleasure of grandparents to help out.

The fall of one’s life is probably the busiest time in life with maybe the exception of re-tirement. You are working the hardest in the longest hours as you’re trying to accumulate things and get ahead. You’re trying to determine your real life values, and you probably ha-ven’t really sat down and thought through your values before. This leads to a period of crisis time and uncertainty. Age wise men start to hit the fall period of their life in summer be-tween the ages of 45 and 50. They may go through a midlife crisis. Many never recover from this period. They just continue to go on like they always have. They don’t see the wonderful opportunities that exist in the fall of their life to prepare for their final years of enjoyment of the winter season that is to come. The female goes through many changes in this period of her life cycle. Women experience many physical changes and great emotional changes. They become less dependent upon their spouse and if they are wise develop a wonderful inter-dependent relationship. The sad fact is that many women of this age group become very self-centered and selfish. They really need to remain aware of the needs of others.
The winter season is the season when we live off the fat of our lives. This is a period of time just before retirement and after retirement and on until your death when we can enjoy life and be very creative. This is probably, if we work it right, the most enjoyable times of our lives. Now, the misguided can gets the idea that he is free from worry. Free to do all of the fun things that you did not get to do when you were younger. This is a misconception; the winter of your life is a time of great productivity. The winter season allows you to do those things that are of great benefit to others and a great service to others. This is the time when you can serve your family, by helping them along to build new and strong traditions. This is a time when you can serve God and those things which are necessary to improve the quality of living here upon the earth. The winter of your life allows your creative skills to develop their highest level. I remember my wife’s father. Wilbur was a really talented guy but when he reached the fall of life his talents for woodworking blossomed and he built things that were almost unbelievable. I still have a big old wood chest to he built for me when I needed a toolbox really badly. That tool box is one of my treasures today and there’s nothing like it will ever be built again. That creative power is important. As we get older we go back into a dependency mode.

We become more dependent upon the people around us, upon our children and upon the community. As this happens we develop wisdom. If we take the good lessons, we will write them down and pass these lessons on others to help them through the rough spots in their lives. And of course the winner of our life ends in death. There’s no need to agonize about dying. If we live every day of our life to the best that we can. And if we haven’t then we need to make restitution. Then we can draw lines in the ground to step across to say I live here now, what happened in the past is not important but what I do now can have a vast influence on the future. Now my vision of death is going to bed some night just not waking up the next morning. I will cross into the great beyond where I must live in the next life, the period of eternal existence. These are the four seasons of human existence, now the seasons of life intertwine with economic seasons and the governmental seasons. Everything is cyclic in nature.

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