Welcome to the Matrix - As above, so below


We study the shadow, or the effect, for the result. We observe what is physical to understand what is not physical. By physical we mean, the three dimensional world.

We must first assume there are more than three dimensions to observe extra-dimensional activity. A light from a very high dimension that passes through a high dimension projects a shadow or an effect onto the lower dimensions.

To more we observe, the more data we have. All information of the higher is visible through a trained awareness in the shadow or effect in the lower.

This is how we see, what we are not meant to see.

We live in a matrix. A three dimensional game.

This is reality.

The blind leading the blind.

We cannot see directly but we can see by studying the effects and by learning the effects we can manipulate the higher dimensions. By manipulating the higher dimensions we can manipulate the lower dimensions by remote control.

This is magic.

Get enough systems of understanding and effective manipulation of the higher and you have a magical discipline.

You have schools of magic develop. Secret societies that hold portions of true truth.

The blind leading the blind.

The building blocks of the lower dimensions sit in the higher dimensions.

To hack a system you must learn the lowest or smallest unit of that system that is interchangeable to any materialisation, for example an atom but smaller and more fundamental than the atom.

By manipulating the code of the higher dimensions we hack the system and achieve results quickly that otherwise may have taken years to achieve.

Find the lower, smallest unit that makes up everything, then from there build your castle. Build your universe, and you decide the physics of that universe, you decide the laws of the game.

Your game, your universe.

The mind is a universe. The body is a conductor of that universe.

The personality is the conscious awareness, or the control room of that universe.

Realise your power as a programmer and stop being a program.

This is not a metaphor. This is reality.

We are living in a matrix.

Observe, observe, observe. Observe self. Observe self in breath. Find reliable reference points. Change reference points when old ones fail to achieve the same results. Continue. Walking forward on your path.

All is maths.

All is god.

Numbers are everything.

Numbers are the language of life.

We are all mathmaticians and magicians.

No choice, this is just the nature of the game you're inside.

Welcome to reality.

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