Homeless and assumptions about them


Brain chemistry

To balance it, is so important.

You try getting five hours sleep on the street, then sitting up for hours, drinking coffee to keep you company, constantly battling the weather, no personal space, high defenses constantly.

You try removing your warm home, your good sleep, your even eating program, your family and friends which provide that all important natural dopamine and oxytocin release.

Just try it.

And then tell me that you need to be on drugs or alchohol to look like that; to make irrational decisions and let your situation get worse and worse.

No bathroom with special facilities, carrying all your things with you. Finding comfort and safety where you can.

You try it, and you let me know how the people treat you and you wonder why they end up like they do.

The homeless are required as an extreme in the polarity of classes, to represent a symbol to avoid, so you keep doing your mindless life, afraid to break the boundaries of a heavily regulated society.

The slavery is in the mind, dare to break the social programming and think outside the herd and pay for it.

What have you got to lose?

We could organise this system for people and not for production. Things could be different.

Give everyone a personal space, secure and theirs. Give everyone a basic living wage as payment for being alive. Give children an education that benefits a co-operative society and not a competitive one, it's not that hard. So why isn't it done?

Because we have to stand up and create the change.

What exists as it does now happens because we let it happen. We tacitly consent.

Then to change we must enlighten the ignorance around us and stand as a prick in the wind until the wind changes with us.

All as one as equal.

Start by focusing on your breath, becoming aware of your body. Sell your television and limit your phone use to an hour a day and then lock it up. Dare to be different. Experiment with alternative behaviours to the group mind. Live flawlessly because you live honestly.

Discover how deep this individuality thing goes, how real it is, in the face of survival.

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